So Wally starts to run towards them. When he reaches them he raises his arm and punches Reverse Flash in the face. The two rumble along the ground as Flash stops a hundred meters behind Wally.

The two punch and kick each other, Wally having the upper hand because the Reverse Flash is tired and worn out because of his fight with Flash.

"Give up Thawne." Wally growls.

Reverse Flash laughs. "But I just want to have fun."

"Fun? You killed people today. How is that fun?" Wally grunts out.

Thawne laughs. "Easy. I race the flash, you and unleash my power. When we don't hold back we are gods. More powerful then even Superman. We can create lightning, cause earthquakes, destroy planets, become bombs and so much more. We are more then gods West."

Wally shakes at the words coming out of Thawne's mouth. "So just cause you can."

"Hahahaha hahahaha. Why else?" He vibrates out of Wally's hands and runs away.

Wally quickly looks back to his uncle to see him knocked out on the ground with paramedics coming. One is next to him. Wally flashes to the paramedic.

"Make sure he has more then most people." The paramedic nods. "Remember rule #2" Wally warns. The paramedic nods but more quickly.

Wally nods before chasing after the yellow flash. He calls Batman.

"Batman speaking. How can I help Wally?" The deep voice responds.

"Hey bats uncle B is at the hospital after fighting Thawne. I'm chasing him now."

Wally can hear the nod and grunt.

"Heard. I'll contact the league and see if Superman or Wonder Woman can assist."

Wally nods his head. "Ok sweet. Thanks bats. I see him now. We're over the Atlantic right now. Though Superman and Wonder Woman may be more helpful in the twin cities. Thawne should leave soon. I think this is just one of his little play dates."

"That makes sense. Barry normally tells us when he sees him if he's said anything to be major. I'll send them to central for assist in damage control. Just stop Thawne."

Wally nods and smirks. "Will do."

Batman hangs up while the two speedsters are in Africa. Thawne suddenly stops.

Wally ducks under thawnes stretched arm and punches his gut. He jumps and spins, kicking his face.

Thawne flies back and nurses his face. He grins. "It's true. At this age you have barely improved." He mocks.

Wally stretches his arms out. "For real? I just raced you over the Atlantic and to Africa, then punched and kicked you. And I've barely improved?"

"Ha. Only because I'm weakened. Don't forget West." Thawne stops and looks at a gorilla looking at them wearily. "I know you're future. The friends and enemy's you make. The friends and family you watch die."

Wally gulps. He hasn't seen anyone close to him die but he knows he will one day, but having his strongest opponent say it so casually sends a chill down his spine.

Thawne looks back at Wally."The lives you take with you're own hands." Another gulp.

Thawne looks at Wally in the eyes. "One day West, someone close to you will destroy your entire world. One day Barry won't be there to save you. One day you will be killed, and I will be there. I will be there when death finds you."

Wally's fists clenches and speed rushes Thawne. Thawne just smirks. "Next time Kid." Before making his vibrations normal, going back to his future.

Wally takes deep breaths. "One day Thawne. One day."

——Line Break——

Wonder Woman's POV

I look around at the destruction caused by the recent fight between Barry and his reverse.

Roads are overturned, building and car windows are shattered. Cars are destroyed with human body prints on them. Trenches are made. People are either injured, scared and hiding, helping others, or even worse. Dead.

Diana looks down at a human arm she finds next to her foot. She closes her eyes and feels Clark landing next to her.

"It's terrible isn't it? What Thawne does every time he visits." He speaks softly but with hatred.

I nod. "It is."

We work together to lift a house of off a teenage girl. She will never be able to feel or use her legs again.

"I always seem to forget, but at times like this I remember what he says." I tell Clark.

Clark frowns and looks at me. "Seem to forget what who says?"

I spread my arms out to the destruction. "Batman. I always forget what he says about Flash."

If anything Clark frowns more. "What does he say?"

I sigh softly. "No matter how easy going he is. Even though he's the most human of us mentally." I pause as we go and moves power lines.

"Flash is the most powerful of us all. He can cause more destruction then any of us if he tries. This is nothing compared to him."

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