Injured Knee

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His family has taken care of him by following the necessary care according to the doctor after surgery...

"He will need help to perform his daily activities. To sleep, his leg must be propped up with a pillow. You will feel twinges in the area of the surgery and in case the pain is prolonged, the medication must be injected into the leg.

The first three months are already scheduled for a check-up. Possibly, the stitches will be removed in a month and a half. That will depend on your progress. If the stitches start to bleed, he needs to be brought in to have them redone.

In about three to four months he will start exercises to regain mobility. Physiotherapy sessions, whether you come to the hospital or you do it at home. I recommend to do it at home to make it less stressful. At the beginning, they will be not so demanding exercises. The specialist will explain this to you in due course. If you follow my instructions your recovery will take, at least, six or seven months, but if you don't, it can take a year."

Twelve weeks later, video calling was no longer necessary. The boys went to visit their mate at his parents' house and became part of the process and bring a little joy to the youngest member of the band but, only one person's crazy antics can make it all come to an end in a blink of an eye...

"Help me out, man!"

"We shouldn't be doing this." Lewie doubted the idea was good.

"He needs fresh air or he's gonna rot like a piece of meat. No offence, man." Connor's face expressed he felt offended by his friend's statement.

"Alright! Just because you're right."

Both, his friend and his brother, carried Connor and sat him in the wheelchair that Brad got from a friend. It didn't take Brad long to steer the wheelchair out of the house.

"Isn't this better?"

"It is, man. I was sick of seeing the same bed, the same picture hanging on the wall, the same things every day."

Lewie took control of the situation by taking the wheelchair away from the curly-haired boy to drive his brother around the neighbourhood they both grew up in before the older of the two moved out and start a conversation.

"Bro, everything is the same. It's hardly changed at all."

"Less people live here anymore. That's what's changed."

"Hey, how about we go to the park?"

"No. We agreed we would show you around."

"Why are you such a killjoy?" Brad shoved Lewie and grabbed the wheelchair to speed away, leaving the youngest behind. By the time he caught up with them at the street corner, an enraged woman got out of the car parked next to them.

Sitting in the back seats of the car, heads down and speechless, they were being scolded by the brothers' mother.

"You were in charge of your brother! Did you even think about what could have happened? Answer me!!!"

"I..." Lewie could barely mumble something.

"I only asked you for a favour: to take care of your brother. And what did you do? Ignore my rules."

There was a silence before Kelly continued.

"But how could you come up with such nonsense?! He could have fallen or hurt himself. He could even end up in hospital again! For God's sake, you could have put my son in danger!!! This is unbelievable... You're always the first one to make a mess!!! You and Tristan always make trouble everywhere you go! No wonder this stupid idea came from you, Bradley!!!"

"Mum!" Connor tried to stand up for his friend. He knew that Brad and Tris are the craziest of them all and always come up with the craziest ideas. But he knows he himself is the first one to second them. And that it's not just them, it's him too, otherwise Connor wouldn't be in the situation he's in.

"Connor Samuel John Ball don't... You are grounded! You're both grounded! All three of you are grounded! You are grounded without leaving the house until your brother makes a full recovery!"

"But mum!." Lewie protested.

"I'm not finished! Visits are over for you!" Kelly pointed directly at her oldest son.

"What?! No!"

"Specifically, Bradley's visits! You're banned from my house until my son walks again!!!"

"Honey, don't you think you're being too hard on them?" Simon tried to talk some sense into his beloved wife.

"Yes, I know it's too much punishment, but it's the only way they'll understand. So no Bradley for the next four months."

"Wait, no Brad?" Connor protested.

"No Bradley!!!"

"I'm sorry, man." Brad apologised.

"I'm sorry for you, bro." Lewie knew the pain this would cause his brother.

Simon parked the car in front of the house. Everyone carefully got Connor out of the car and into the wheelchair. As bad an idea as it may have been, the wheelchair did help.

"Bradley!!!" Everyone turned around to see Brad's parents. They saw Derek getting out of his car as Anne-Marie walked towards her son.

"See you in four months, man." Brad crouched down to be at the same height as Connor when he heard those words come out of his mouth.

"See you in four hours." The brunette boy winked at his bandmate.

"I think I was quite clear when I said 'No Bradley Simpson'"

"You never said no video calls." Brad smirked.

"Stop it! Because of you, you won't see Connor and you'll be begging for him because your father canceled your internet service for four months." The woman Brad calls 'mum', grabbed him by the wrist taking him away from Connor.

"He did what?!"

"Let's go." She squeezed Brad's arm tightly and led him to the car.

Brad looked at his friend one last time before getting into the car with his parents and drive away. He knew he fucked up.

Both hope they see each other soon unless one of them loses his mind before the time Kelly has set.

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