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Connor and Brad have this thing about hugs, about holding each other. Whenever one of them wants a hug, they just go to one another and pull one another into a hug. Stay like that for a while or for a long time and separate after a very long time.

It's their thing and their friends know it.

Sometimes, it would be Brad the one who goes to Connor and pulls him into a hug or the other way 'round. Both staying in that position without feeling the need of letting go because it's warm and comfortable.

At first, it was something they'd do often. More like, a way of showing the other the affection they feel, the appreciation they have for one another. It was like, being close to one another without needing a reason to be it. It didn't matter the time, the day or the moment, they would just go for it and be okay with it, without caring who would stare at them.

Lately, it hasn't been like that. It has changed. Their thing has changed, it's not like it was before. Now, their hugs are different. Those hugs have a different meaning now. They hug whenever there's a reason to do it, but it's not the same and the ones closest to them have realised it. What they don't know is that there's a enormous meaning to their thing.

It all started when Connor had a mental breakdown during tour. He needed something to hold on and the only thing he thought of was hugging Brad. And he did. He hugged Brad until his cries faded. In that moment, Connor knew their thing had a different meaning, and it brought them closer, their friendship was stronger than before.

That day, both boys realised what their thing actually meant. Their bond was stronger. They became closer than ever, which made their other two friends feel excluded, but they understood that no one would ever have that connection they have.

Right now, the four guys were staying at a hotel for a week because of tour. It's been a busy week and all of them are exhausted. Luckily, they had three more days to relax and to get their shit together.

All of them, decided that they would spend a day together in the hotel, no leaving the hotel and its spots.

In the morning they all went to the hotel restaurant to eat breakfast. After that, they headed to James and Brad's room to play cards. It turned out to be the funniest thing they've ever done for a while. Playing cards tends to be a competitive game, but today it wasn't. Brad cheated and almost all of 'em realised it, everyone but James. Connor and Tristan tried to cheat but it turns out that they can't fool a cheater. Right after, Brad won, and none of them seemed to get over it, so they tied Brad to a chair and left him alone in the room for an entire hour whilst they went to the beach to relax for a moment, asked for drinks and enjoyed the view.

After an hour or so, they went back to the room where Brad was trying to free himself. They laughed at him before letting him go. Brad was furious and chased them to the swimming pool, where they spent most of the time in. They spent the rest of the day swimming and forgetting about everything else.

They spent four hours of the day in the swimming pool, and when it was getting late, they went back to their hotel rooms to take a bath and wait for dinner time.

When dinner time came, they all changed and got in the lift to go to the hotel restaurant. As the lift made its way to the lobby, Brad started to feel strange. He started sweating and his hands started shaking, his breathing quickened, his heartbeat raced, his vision went blurry, Brad felt like fainting at any time, but managed to hug Connor. He hugged his friend as if it was the last thing he'd ever do and stared crying unstoppable for no reason. His friends worried about Brad and tried to get closer, but Connor stopped them.

"No, don't touch him."

"But..." Tristan tried to touch Brad.

"I said don't touch him!" Connor yelled as he hugged Brad back.

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