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Tonight's concert has been insane, Tristan on the drums is an animal, James playing guitar is just amazing, Connor smashing that bass is what makes the songs sound even better, and Brad is full of energy as always, jumping around, going down to the crowd, and coming back to dance on stage. It's insane and crazy as always.

It was almost time to finish, five more songs and it would be over.

Brad is enjoying the moment, dancing and singing, all sweaty, Lovestruck, when he stops for a second to take a sip of the water before singing the second verse. Then, he turns around...

It might seem strange
You don't even know my name
But I've been watching you for days

Brad stops there, but the crowd sings along with him and didn't notice he isn't feeling alright.

Cracked a little smile when you got the words...

Brad stops singing and takes a big breath. Then, he looks at the crowd, but everything's spinning around and his vision gets blurry. He ignores it and keeps going, but Connor realised there was something wrong with his bandmate, so he approaches him.

'You alright, mate?'

Brad nods his head and the concert continues, Connor keeping an eye on his bandmate to make sure everything's okay.

The concert finishes and the boys thank the crowd for coming and say goodbye as well. Once they walked backstage, Connor runs after Brad.

"Hey, B. Are you okay? During the concert I saw you stopped for a second and knew something was wrong."

"It's alright. It's nothing. My vision got blurry for a second, but it's nothing."

"That's not normal. We gotta tell Joe."

"No, Con. Everything's okay."

"And I said let's go. You don't understand, do you? Brad, what if you fell off stage? What if you faint at any time of the concert? We have to tell Joe."

"Okay, you win. I'll tell Joe. Happy, now?"

"Yes, I am."


The next day, James, Tristan and Connor, were at the sound check for the concert. Every one of them minding their own business until Brad walks on stage wearing glasses.

Tristan walks to Brad and it's all he has to do to annoy his bandmate.

"Let me try them on." Tristan says as he takes the glasses and puts them on. "Oh, God. These are so strong, you must be blind!" Tristan jokes.

"Haha. Very funny, Tris. Give them back." Brad says.

"No, but really, I have a question."

"What is it, Tris?"

"How many fingers are there?" Tristan says as he puts his hand in front of Brad.

"You're an idiot." Brad hits Tristan's hand making him walk away.

"Wait, wait. Brad take them off." James says before Brad starts singing.

"For what?"

"Just do it."

Brad takes off his glasses, which makes his bandmates bother him even more.

"Hey, James. Picture this, Brad trying to drink tea or coffee." Tristan says.

"Not only that. The struggle when it rains." James adds.

"Well, that's enough. You two are idiots. I look great." Brad says before going off stage.

"You know? He's right. You are complete idiots." Connor says annoyed.

"Oh, come on, Con. We were just kidding." James says.

Connor isn't happy about what his friends said to Brad. They hurt his feelings.

Connor went to find Brad, who was in the backstage room. As Connor opened the door, he heard cries so he approaches his friend.

"You alright?" Connor asks.

"Yes, I am." Brad says as he wipes off the tears that fall from his eyes making their way to his cheeks.

"Don't believe what they say. They're idiots."

"I can't. I know they were just kidding. I don't like wearing glasses, I don't want to wear them. They make me look different, I look ugly."

"No, you don't."

"I do. I'm not me. I don't want them. They're useless. I can see without them."

"Brad, you look great."

"No, Connor. Don't try to make me feel better. I'm ugly with these."

"They make you look better. You look cute. And if you need them, you have to wear them. You can't go around without them."

"That's what I want. I know I need them, but James and Tris will be annoying me to death."

"But I won't. You look adorable with these."

"Do I look cute?" Brad says, a little smile forming on his face.

"Oh, yes, you do. You're the cutest guy."


"Really. I like you more with them on. They make your eyes look prettier. I can appreciate your dimples even more. I don't know why, I just like them on you."

"Thanks, Con."

"You don't have to. Let's go, man. I promise James and Tris will stop it."

"I don't think so."

"Then, don't listen to them. Our fans are gonna like them, and they'll love you even more. I'm gonna love you even more."

"Thanks, love."

"You're welcome, babe." Connor says leaving a kiss on Brad's cheek. "Let's go."

"Okay." Brad says as he walks back on stage next to Connor.

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