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Momo's POV
"What's going on?" Ochaco asks,
"I don't know." Kirishima shrugs.
"Yaoyorozu I don't think you should stay with someone abusive." Midoriya says.
"That wasn't him." I say.
"That was him! Looked like him! Sorry no one can match that burn mark." Kirishima adds.
"That wasn't him, he has some sort of thing on his neck." I say.
"Oh that metal patch looking thing!" Ochaco says.
"Yeah with the red glow." Midoriya says. He begins his mumbles.
"Basically we're going to have to corner him, remove it and he should be back to normal...." Midoriya starts,
"No more. We get it." Kirishima says.
"But how are going to get close enough to get it off?" Ochaco asks,
"I'll get off." I say, I want to help him, he helped me so much I'll return the favor.
"Yeah come to think of it.... your the closest to him, you could do it." Midoriya says.
"And if it goes too far I'll step in." Kirishima says.
"Me too." Ochaco says.
"I can't believe I didn't do anything while he was punching, I got too scared.... I can't believe myself..." Ochaco says in quietly.
"No it's all right, please I want to help him too, so let me do as much as I can." I say truthfully.
"Alright. Ok now we gotta find him...." Midoriya adds.
"Maybe lunch rush?" Kirishima says.
I think for a moment too until I know.
"Wait. I know." I say.
I get up, and begin walking to our spot.
As they followed me, Kirishima was looking up what could be the problem,
"Guys, I think I found something!" Kirishima says,
We all stop.
"Yeah what's up?" Midoriya asks.
Kirishima begins reading the article,
"Says here, that people have been testing their drugs on random people to see how well it can work."
"Hasn't that always been happening?" Ochaco says,
"Yeah, but now people have been doing more often, like you could walking the streets and just someone just tries their drugs on you." Kirishima explains.
"Shoto walks home every day alone..." I remember.
"That's probably what happened than." Midoriya adds.
We start walking again.
When we get there, Shoto is sitting on a bench alone looking down at the floor.
"So who wants to sacrifice themself first?" Kirishima asks.
Everyone looks awkward at each other.
"I'll g-" I begin but was interrupted by Midoriya.
"I'll go. I'll annoy him and than you guys can get help." He says with a thumbs up.
Everyone nods.

Midoriya walks up to Shoto,
"Hey there." Midoriya says.
"What the hell do you want?" Shoto asks.
"Oh nothing, just wanted to talk with you." Midoriya says casually.
"Well I don't." Shoto says.
He starts to get up,
"Wait!" Midoriya says seeming like he's struggling.
"Should we go in now." Kirishima whispers as we watch from afar.
"No not yet." Ochaco says.
We stay and watch.
"What the hell?" Shoto says, he turns to Midoriya about to throw a punch.
"Man, that drug really got to him." Kirishima says.
Ochaco nods.
Midoriya cups his hands over Shoto's fist.
"Now!" Midoriya says trying to keep Shoto's fist from coming at his face.
"Ok guys." Kirishima says standing up.
"Grab the drug okay?" Ochaco says with a smile.
"Ok!" I say with a smile too.
I start running.
"I have to come in somehow." I plan to myself.
Until I got it.
I come up right in the middle of Midoriya and Shoto.
"What the hell? Get out of my way." Shoto says, but he can't punch me cause Midoriya still has his hands on his fists.
"I'm sorry, but I want to help you too." I say before removing the patch.
His tension loosens, he looks at me,
"Momo....." he says before falling asleep into my arms.

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