First name.

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Yaoyorozu POV
We're back at school now,
It's lunch now.
I go to our spot with Todoroki.
"I'm so tired today." Todoroki says blinking his eyes a bit,
"Oh." I say quietly,
"Please don't bring anything up from when you came over!" I pray, I'm still super embarrassed from that.
"You okay?" He asks,
"Oh yeah I'm fine!" I say with a awkward smile.
"Alright." He says and leans back, he seems so tired he has black bags under his eyes.
"Hey Todoroki?" I ask,
"Yeah?" He's says,
"Was what you said true? About me not being a pain?" I ask, I let my insecurities get to me.

Todoroki POV
Yaoyorozu been acting strange lately like if she's embarrassed to be around me,
"Did I do something wrong?" I mean I remember acting a bit flirty with her yesterday for a shot, but I think I upset her.... I really don't want to remember that.
"What have I done...." I say to myself, I'm so tried too, I've been stressing out about that since yesterday.
I lean back a bit,
"Hey Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu says,
"Yeah." I say,
"Was what you said true? About me not being a pain?" She asks,
"What does she mean of course she's not!"
"Yaoyorozu your not a pain." I say.
I say similar words I said yesterday.
"Yaoyorozu I know these words probably mean nothing, but I do care for you a lot and your a not a pain not at all." I say.
"Ah! Sorry I let my insecurities get to me!" She says, putting her head down.
"Yaoyorozu have more confidence."
I say with smile.
"Ok.... I will..." she says quietly.
I get the courage to ask her something too,
"Hey Yaoyorozu...... hey I was wondering..."
"Can I please call you by your....your first name?" I quietly ask.
"My first name? Yeah of course!" She says with a smile.
"How about you? Can I please call you Shoto?" She asks,
"Oh... yeah..." I say quietly....
Ok yesterday I went from trying to be a flirt to now being nervous and acting like if I just confessed.... At least she doesn't bring up yesterday that was bad... Momo doesn't seem strange anymore which is good.
"Well it's time for class, ready Shoto?" She says with a smile.
"Oh... yeah." I say quietly and smile back.
:Time Travel a Bit:
School is now over and I begin walking home.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Yaoyorozu says and smiles.
"Ok see you than." I say and walk away.
I'm walking down the streets home and the evening sky is nice the sun is just about to set and the birds aren't out.
They're loud and annoying.
I keep on walking until I felt something shot onto my neck.
"What the hell?" I say.

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