Extra classes, Extra girl?!!

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Yaoyorozu POV
After that amazing mall trip, it's now school again.
I sat at my desk and watched Todoroki and Bakugo leave to do their extra classes cause they fail their license test. They both leave and I watch Todoroki leave the classroom, class continues.

Todoroki POV
I'm in the car with Bakugo as we leave to begin extra classes to get our license. Bakugo looks out the window with headphones on, as I look out the window as well, both of us don't say a word to each other.
We've arrived.
As we stand in front of entrance waiting to be let in, I notice another car come up from, Shiketsu High, Inasa Yoarashi, Nagamasa Mora and Camie Utsushimi. They all look at us, Yoarashi begins the day, annoying as ever waving at me screaming my name. I turn the other way, I can't stand him. The doors open and we walk inside.
Yoarashi, Bakugo, and Mora are all put into a different room and all I'm left with Camie, she looks around, "Cute, cute!" She says, I can tell she not very smart. She looks over at me and smiles, "I'm Utsushimi, Camie. But please call me a Camie." She says with smile and holds up a peace sign, "I'm Todoroki." I said, she smirks and puts her hand on my shoulder, "Your quite handsome, you know!" She says as she walks behind me and slides her finger behind my back. I freeze, she smirks again, "My my, aren't you shy." She says and boops my noise, I immediately covered my noise with my hand. She comes up again from behind, "Your hair is so prefect and cute! Your so silent too! I like the silent type." She hugs me from behind, "So what do you say, you  can hit me up whenever." I remove her hands from my shoulders, "No thanks, I'm not into you." I said, I wanted to say I'm taken but Yaoyorozu asked me not to tell anybody, so for her I won't. Camie slides her finger down my back, "My! Your so straight forward! You must be taken! That girl must be special!" She said and puts her finger on her lip, I notice myself blushing, "I'm not taken..... I'm just not into you!" I said hoping she won't realize I am taken so she won't tell Yoarashi, "Hahaha! Like I fall for that! Your blushing your so cute! You know, I know a thing or two about love! I have someone important to me too, and I'm dying to see them bleed!" I freeze my eyes widen, "This is no ordinary girl! She's an impostor!" I said to myself, I take off my coat. I'm now prepare to fight, she gasps and smirks, "Oh I guess you figure me out! Well done! But you know you are cute though!"
She says as she pushes me down on the floor and jumps on top of me. She grabs my phone from my pocket, and gets off of me and creates this illusion thing of me, she somehow unlocks my phone and makes this weird illusion smile, she leans on it and snaps a photo I try to blast my ice but she jumps away like some ninja, and now she on my phone, "Ooooh I see you do have girlfriend! Yaoyorozu is it?" I try to shot some more ice and fire at her,
"Easy now! Let's see, click on her icon. New message, send the photo, and done!" She says as she throws my phone back at me.
"Nooooo!!!!!!" I scream and grab my phone. I look at my phone and, "OH SHIT!!!!! She sent it."

Yaoyorozu POV
It's lunchtime, I sit with my friends we all talk and laugh, as I notice my phone buzz, I excused myself and left to check the message, it's from Todoroki, I open it, it's a photo, I click on the photo and wait for it to load.
:It loads:
I put my hand on my mouth I felt tears go down my face I felt my body collapsed,

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