Dazinng off

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Yaoyorozu POV
Today at 3:00 Todoroki is picking me up, and we're going to his place to study........
I'm so nervous! I mean, I've been to his house before, but I mean...... we're hanging out again... and..... uhhh it's always makes me so nervous.... I can't even pick out what to wear, uhhh this is all so stressful! I put my hands on my head and Mother looks at me as if I'm crazy probably cause I am, "Sweetie what's wrong?" Mother asked me, truly worried about me, I can't let her know I'm going to a boy's house, "Oh sorry Mother, I'm going to my friends house to study and I don't know what to wear cause I want a good study outfit with the right colors to help my brain study." I said trying to sound professional. She smiles and walks away, "Close one!" I thought to myself.
:Time Travel a Bit:
It's 2:50 and Todoroki texted me saying that he is waiting outside of my house, I grab my bag and ran out, as I open the door the leave I take a deep breath, I'm so nervous, I brush off my outfit, fix my pony tail and walked out. He was waiting outside of the fence leaning on the brick wall, I walk out and he looks up, he scans my outfit and blushes, "Hey, ready?" He says, I nodded and we begin walking together, back to his place.
We arrived at his place and I begin taking off my shoes, Todoroki waits for me to take off my shoes and than we both head inside his room.
"So is anyone home?" I asked noticing the house is completely empty.
"No they're all busy with work." Todoroki said plainly. This makes me feel kinda weird knowing I'm all alone with Todoroki at his house.
We begin to open our study books and begin reading and studying together, and sure enough we're already starting to get hungry, I feel my stomach get hungry, Todoroki looks at me noticing me looking around, he smiles and says, "Has all this studying already gotten you hungry?" He says with smile, I feel a bit embarrassed realizing how weird I look cause I'm hungry, I nod and Todoroki gets up and says, "Let's take a break and head to kitchen." He says and waits for me to get up and join him, we walked down this long haul, and than head down to the kitchen. The kitchen is small and the oven is a little old classic oven, it's funny how everything in this house is big except for the kitchen, as I look around, I notice a big pot on the stove. Todoroki walks up and grabs two bowls and begins pouring soba into each one, I begin dazing off while watching Todoroki perfectly pour the soba into each bowl,
"Wow. He's so handsome."
"I can't believe how prefect he is."
"What made him fall for me."
"I can't stop looking at him."
"Yaoyorozu! Snap out of it."
As I daze off I felt a flick on my forehead.
"Yaoyorozu? You alright?" It's Todoroki.
I jump, I'm totally embarrassed now, I feel my face go completely hot I'm probably super red right now.
"Ah! Oh sorry Todoroki. I just got carried away that's all!" I said to him puting my hands in front me like if it's my protection, Todoroki smirks and than heads down to the table and sets the table making it all pretty for us, he smiles than says,
"Ok, food is ready."
I nod and then head the table.

Author Note:
Ok, so this arc/part or whatever, is mainly gonna be Yaoyorozu POV and maybe one or two POV of Todoroki because this part is gonna sorta hard for me to write POV of Todoroki.

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