Why me?

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Yaoyorozu POV
"Todoroki!!!" I screamed, "Wait what just happened." I was so confused, first we're trying to capture this killer, and now Todoroki gets stab by the killer?!
                          Todoroki falls to the ground, collapsed. I rushed over to him. I don't know what to do! He was bleeding a lot. I started crying. I put his body on my lap. He slowly puts his hand on my face, and says, "You're safe. I'm gla....gl... glad." He try's to catch his breath, "Why a....are you... crying? Y..... you... your safe." I replied with tears pooling on my face, "Todoroki... why me? Why would you do that for me?" He mumbles, "I... I did for you, ca... cause your the only person I care f...or for t...h.. the m...ost." His hand drop and he passed out. I started crying and screamed "Todoroki!!!!!!" He's not dead just losing blood fast. I call 911 they came five minutes later. They take Todoroki to the hospital. I watched with tears pooling on face. Mr. Aizawa came and took me back to UA and we discussed about what happen today. It was hard for me to say I couldn't really remember, all I could remember was Todoroki's words. Mr. Aizawa took notes about what happen and I tried my best to explain. I felt horrible, "It's my fault this all happen." The phone rang and Mr. Aizawa picked up right away. They started talking but I wasn't listening, all I could think about is what happen today. I looked at Mr. Aizawa he nodded than hung up. He sighs, "Todoroki is in a coma. They don't know how long." My heart stoped I felt tears beginning to pool on my face, I put my head down and begin to cry. I screamed out, "Why did this have to happen!!??" Mr. Aizawa says nothing just stare, he finally says, "You can visit him if you like." I looked up, he passes me a paper that Has the information, about the hospital Todoroki is at. I get up, "thank you. Mr. Aizawa." I begin my way to the hospital.

Can't stop||Todomomo Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin