Beat me to it

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Yaoyorozu POV
Did I just hear what I thought I just did?!
"I want to dance with him." What?!!!!
My head is spinning, I'm lost and confused,
"He's mine! He's mine!" I begin saying to myself, but I have to keep my cool.
"Oh okay." I said quietly,
"You don't mind? After all he is your crush?" She said with laugh,
"Not at all!" I said trying to keep my cool. My head is spinning I can't think right.
"Is this how bad jealousy can get?" I asked myself, but than I think,
"This may be the only way to find out weather or not Todoroki really does love me." I think to myself,
"Cause if he does accept Ashido and dances with her than it's official! It was all lie!" I think I'm letting my insecurities get to me, but still I always will have doubts if Todoroki really mean what he says.

Ashido's POV
I think this plan will go well......... My plan is to asked Todoroki to dance with me and to see his reaction........ my other idea is to see how much it will take until Yaoyorozu cracks....... I put my hands together and smirk.
"Everything is gonna be prefect. I just know it!" I said out loud to myself.

: Time Travel a Bit:

"I want to dance with him." I said, Yaoyorozu turns, her eyes widen, I can tell she was breaking.
"Oh okay." She said sheepishly, she's falling apart I know it! I push even further,
"You don't mind? After all he is your crush?" I said, Yaoyorozu shakes her head and uncomfortably smiles, "Not at all!" She said as she turns the other way.
But honestly though, I wouldn't mind dancing with him if he said yes.........
Some songs play and then I hear the sound begin to fade out.....
"Ok everyone! Now for the slow dance! Find a person and dance." Present Mic said, everyone stared at each other.

Yaoyorozu POV
I watch Ashido as her eyes follow Todoroki. I speed walk up to Todoroki trying not to make it suspicious that I want him. But Ashido starts walking too, I walk past people and try to get up to him. Todoroki is next to Midoriya, their both looking around, like if they're missing something. I want to scream his name, but at the same time I want to know, if he really does mean what he says. Ashido is ahead of me. I start stressing out like if my life is on the line. As I try to catch up, Jirou comes out,
"Yaoyorozu? What's up? Why you look so stressed?" She said as she stood in front of me.
"Get of the way!" I panicked to myself. I don't know how to tell her nicely as I see Ashido get closer,
"Hi! Oh! uh. Nothing! Anyways bye!" I said and kept speed walking.
I feel so close I start feeling more relaxed thinking I'm close enough now, I keep walking, and I look around.
"Wait where's Ashido?!" I asked myself, as I looked around and could see her. My heart begins pounding, I know the worse is happening right now. I looked at a Todoroki and my assumptions were right. Ashido already beat me to it.........
"Todoroki want to dance with me?" Ashido asked.

Can't stop||Todomomo Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora