Chapter 5 - Study Date

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Word of Taehyung's fight got around quickly yesterday, as well as Taehyung's punishment of another 3-day suspension for initiating a fight as well as going into the gym without permission. The rest of the boys got a day of detention for entering the gym, which none of them seemed to mind. They did their day of detention and moved on with their lives. You were, however, bummed that Taehyung wouldn't be around for three days. All because of some stupid fight. You offered to gather up all of his homework for him and give it to him when he came back. Like he would even want to do it. That was the next thing you needed to get Taehyung to do, submit his homework on time and completed. You sat at your desk, tapping your pencil against the desk as you waited for class to begin. The door opened behind you, and you thought that it was Jihyo of even Dahyun coming in to wish you a good morning. Turning your head, however, you saw that it was instead Park Jimin. He looked around for a moment, and when his eyes fell on you, he grinned.

"Hey!" He called out to you in glee, hurrying up to you quickly. You watched him lean against your desk. "I need to tell you something important." You leaned forward against your desk, glancing up at him.

"And that would be...what?" you asked, a small smile on your lips.

"Are you bringing Taehyung all of his homework?" he asked curiously. You nodded.

"Yeah. The only problem is I never got his number of where he lives." You pointed out. "I was going to find one of you later and ask you. Thanks for saving me the trouble." You watched Jimin give you a kind smile and you couldn't help but smile back. "But what do you need, anyway?"

"Oooh, nothing. I was just going to ask if you could deliver a message to Taehyung for us." He asked, handing you a piece of paper. You took it in your hands and raised your eyebrow, glancing at the boy.

"...This is something dirty, isn't it?" you asked, and Jimin laughed a bit. "Either that or it has something to do with some shady activity. Which is it?" Jimin held a hand over his heart.

"Oh, how you wound me." He said dramatically. "We're not involved in any shady acts. How low do you think we would go?" Pursing your lips together, you nodded.

"I guess that's true. Sorry about that..."

"We've dabbled in drug selling, though." He smirked. You gasped, standing up and covering his mouth as he began to laugh again.

"Park Jimin, stop! You have not!" You gasped. Jimin shook his head to confirm that it was only a joke, and he continued to laugh. You sighed, sitting back in your seat. "Thank God. I don't think I'd be able to handle any more if I had to make Taehyung a good student while also having to turn him in to the police."

"I don't think you could." Jimin corrected. "He can't really be a model student behind bars." You nodded in agreement. "Anyways, here-" he held out his hand. "-Give me your phone." You were hesitant, but he smiled. "I'm going to put Taehyung's number in it so you can contact him about meeting up for homework." Handing him your phone, he sat back against your desk again and went wild with pressing numbers into your contact. You watched him for a minute, as every few seconds he would look up and purse his lips, before looking back down and continuing.

"How many phone numbers does this guy have?" You asked curiously.

"Well, I had to put all 7 of us in." He clarified. "We couldn't just let Taehyung be able to call you all he wanted. That's no fun." He handed you back his phone, seeing that you now had 7 new contacts, each with a unique little emoji right beside their names. "I'm going to tell the others to send you pictures for their contact photos. Okay?" He got up and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Anyways, I'll see you later, okay? Tell Taehyung we all said hi." As he walked away, you turned back around.

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