Chapter Fifteen

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I love the positive reactions I get from you lovely people. Thank you to Slytherclaw_queen21. You are a great reader and you inspire me to write more.


She thought the idea of a dance was silly. It was a costume ball. Ginny was already going gaga over it. Normally Ginny was the tough tomboyish type. It was nice to see her get this excited over something.

"And Blaise even said he would dress up, we're going as Jack and Sally from that movie you showed me. What are you gonna be?" Ginny sat criss cross on the end of Hermione's bed watching her comb out her hair.

She just shrugged, " Persephone or maybe Hera."

Ginny got this sly look on her face. "Maybe Snape can go as Hades."

Hermione choked. It was good idea of course but the fact that Ginny knew about it made her nervous. "Ginny! No! If the two of us show up at the dance together-"

"I was just suggesting it. Besides you would look really hot as Persephone." The younger girl said cutting her off.

Hermione shook her head. Ginny really was ridiculous sometimes. "We should get to breakfast."

Rolling her eyes the red head flopped down on top of her friend. "Let's just skip today, do something fun. Use the time turner."

"Ginny," Hermione gasped,"Not to be rude but you're crushing me and we're late enough to breakfast already."

"Fine, but you owe me 'us' time, girly," with a poke to the elder girls cheek she hopped off the bed and snatched up both bags. "I'll race you."

Hermione was left staring at the door. She was just thinking. Last night she had to sneak back into the Gryffindor dorms. She had been rotating between the three of her men. Last night she had slept on Snape's couch with Draco.

It made her laugh at how different they were.

Snape didn't like to hold her too closely, he just let her find her most comfortable position. Draco liked to be facing her with their legs entangled. Viktor either held her like she was super fragile or completely unbreakable.

She couldn't imagine loving just one of them. They all made her so happy. And as unbelievable as it sounds she loved them all equally.

Ginny popped her head back in, "Hey! You said we had to go!"

"Okay, sorry," she followed her out the door.

When they got to the great hall the were greeted with a blast of thunderous chatter. Ginny hissed and hooked arms with Hermione.

"Come see Blaise with me," and off they went.

Hermione smiled. Everything felt normal. She liked this.



He moved her hair off her forehead, bringing her face down for another kiss. She laughed against his lips, when he gently fluttered his fingers against her back.

"You have a lovely laugh, Witch," he rumbled, deeply tired but happy to make out and talk. "You know," he began between her her sweet chaste kisses," I knew that I would have a woman in my life that I would I have to share."

She pulled back, beaming playfully, "Oh really? Sounds like something you should have told me earlier."

With another kiss she slipped off of his lap and onto the bed beside him. She snuggled into his side, tracing patterns on his stomach.

"Yeah, an old fool of a ghost told me." He gazed down to see her staring back with a sleepy grin.

This was perfect. He missed her on the nights she spent with Viktor or Draco but her felt that it was good for her to have equal contact. With all of them. Even if he hated sleeping alone now

She was so much better then he felt like he deserved. He felt like he was taking something away from her.

This all felt like the best dream he had ever had. Every time she kissed him he felt like he was being pulled deeper into this perfect world. She spilt her beautiful mind to him. Allowed him to dissect her thoughts while running his hands over her back. He waited for her to tell him it was all a big joke. The way Lily had.

"I was thinking."

"Aren't you always thinking," he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

She laid her palm on his chest," Haha, very funny. I was thinking that the four of us could do a group costume."

He liked to entertain all of her ideas. It made her happy and by extension it made him happy. "Pray tell me what we all will go as, girl."

"You will be Hades, Viktor will be Aries, and Draco will be Apollo."

He snorted,"Why am I the God of hell, My Dear?"

She frowned, sitting up. She hadn't meant to offend him in any way, and now she was afraid she had. "He isn't really evil, Love, just got the short end of the stick."

He couldn't believe this woman had any interest in him. She was too kind, too empathetic. "Darling, thank you for wanting to include me. What should I wear?"

With a little smirk that he could blame Draco for she lay back down. "You'll see."

Knowing he wouldn't get anymore answers her turned off the lamps and drifted off into sleep.

This chapter better have made someone melt.

Into The Lion's Den| Hermione poly fic| Book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя