Chapter Nine

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I am trying to make it so this isn't as fast paced so bear with me.


He felt so incredibly sick. Hermione didn't deserve to go through this at all. Why hadn't he caught wind of this? Ron's terrible jokes about her. The way she flinched if Ron raised his arm too quickly. How she had done everything possible to make herself look small. To make herself seem invisible.

Molly had come to the castle after they all heard the news about Ron getting loose. She hadn't seen Hermione yet. Hermione had been a nervous wreck for the past two hours.

Despite the efforts of him and all the others Hermione paced the room. There was a steady rotation of her being in someone's arms. She was restless.

Harry felt so uncomfortable, sitting awkwardly on the expensive rug watching the other people in the room. Viktor was probably the most calm. Severus was getting annoyed and dizzy because of her pacing. Draco was glaring into the fire his leg bouncing.

Ginny had caught Hermione mid-step and taken her to the kitchenette for a quick talk.

"What's Molly like," Draco asked suddenly. Harry realized that Malfoy had never really met her. At least not correctly. Only in passing

As Harry searched for the right words for his adoptive mother. "You'll like her." He couldn't really describe the woman, not properly at least. He hadn't a way with words.

Just then there was a soft knock on the door. Draco shot up, ignoring Snape's protest of the motion. He opened the door quickly trying desperately not to look to arrogant.

"Draco," the short plump woman smiled, pulling him into a unexpected hug. Draco couldn't remember the last time someone had willingly hugged him. There was so much tenderness. Motherly compassion. Draco blinked away the tears that collected in his eye.

She hugged everyone in the room, and when she got the Snape he put his hand out. She gave him a sharp disapproving look. He just rolled his eyes and hugged her reluctantly.

No one dared speak as Ginny and Hermione stepped cautiously into the living area. Molly didn't hesitate to rush to the girl, her adopted cub. She immediately began to look her over.

"Oh Hermione, sweet girl," she whispered, her eyes glassy, "Please don't cry dear." She embraced the girl to her, hoping to show her how sorry she was.

One of her own children had hurt Hermione, and it made her absolutely sick. Of course she still loved her son, but he would never be welcomed within their home again. He would never be forgiven. Fred and George had to be talked out of murdering Ron, even Percy was angry.

"Mrs. Weasley,-"

"Molly, call me Molly, dear," she chided, but her tone was gentle as a feather. She cupped the girls face, "Oh, Honey, I'm sorry."

Hermione just shook her head," It wasn't you. Please don't apologize on his part."

Harry couldn't help but feel sad. Ever so mature. She had already forgiven Ron. She was to good for her own good. He wished that she would stand against Ron. She was always able too with everyone else, but with Ron she turned into piece of very thin glass. Ready to shatter. She wasn't like that at the beginning of there relationship.

He wondered what his "friend" had done to make her like that.  Make her feel so unloved.

He wished he could say anything. Ask her about it, but it was an unspoken law that no one brings it up. He knew that from the moment he had witnessed Draco's sudden change of character, Viktor's tenderness and Snape's expertly tamed anger. That there was a fragile equilibrium in the balance.


The bitter liquid burned his tongue. Hermione was watching him from the little round table. He had a hard time keeping his eyes on his coffee. They were getting ready to head down to the ministry.  "You don't have to come if you do want to, Viktor ."

"No, Mia, I refuse to let you talk me out of it. Besides I can't rely on the blonde one to keep you safe," he assured her, for the twentieth time since 8 that morning. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened that he could have prevented by being there.

She got up slowly, fixing her sweater, checking her watch. "We should go."

Snape and Draco had gone earlier to give their statements. They had given Hermione time to think. She had sat in the bath tub so long that the bubbles went away.

Within the next thirty minutes they were walking arm in arm through the bustling halls of the Ministry of Magic. Viktor had to say he was rather impressed with the dark marble and a clean white statues. He felt a bit strange though, because he had never even been to the ministry in Bulgaria. The Bulgaria ministry wasn't very hands on with the way they governed.

Soon they were ten feet away from the Secretary. Hermione stopped, catching her breath.

"You can always stop, schedule a different time," Viktor said, running his thumb over the top of her knuckles. She smiled warmly at him.

With a breath that he counted to be twelve seconds she nodded, "I'm ready."

And then she slipped out of his grasp, and he prayed that she wasn't lying.
Sorry that I took so long. I know that this isn't much. Please enjoy.

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