Chapter Twelve

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Might do something different in this chapter.


He sat up quickly in bed, eyes locked on the door. He was an incredibly light sleeper and was jolted awake by most things. There was a timid knock, and a wispy sounding voice called his name. "Severus. Professor."

He rubbed his head eyes clear of gunk, "It's unlocked."

She twisted the handle and the beam of light from her wand cut through the darkness of his room, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Her voice was uneven. The glow of her wand faded to nothing and she set it on top of the desk. "Ms. Granger, are you crying?" When she didn't respond he felt worried. "Come here, girl."

He heard her pad slowly to the bed, her hands out to make sure she didn't trip over anything. Severus put out his own hands, lacing his fingers with hers, guiding her onto the mattress. He found her face and wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"I'm sorry to wake you, I just," he knew that she was chewing on the inside of her cheek, trying to think up a lie to tell him. As hard as he tried his eyes couldn't make her out. He could remember exactly what her face looked like in the daylight though. So he closed his eyes and pictured her that way.

Brows drawn together, hair falling around her shoulders. Teeth tugging the bottom lip between them.

"Speak," he commanded.

"I wanted to see you," she sighed, running the tip of her pointer finger over his palm. "I felt this weird feeling in my chest."

He felt like a child again, whispering secrets in the safety of the dark. He hadn't ever had that, and he was under the impression that it was something only girls did.

He felt her touch the mark on his arm, like she knew where it was even though she couldn't see it. "What kind of feeling?" He ventured, taking her other hand in his right one.

"All warm, and almost like a funny tickle," she mummered, scooting closer on the bed. Their bodies moved like magnets towards each other.

Severus had to stifle the bit of laughter he had at his own thoughts. She has feelings for you. Ridiculous.

Or at least improbable.

"Mmm, well Ms. Granger, I happen to know that feeling."

He leaned closer, and could feel her breath against his lips. She smelt of evening tea and peppermint mouthwash. He desperately wanted to kiss her. He knew this would be his only chance, and if she rejected him then so be it. He knew he would regret not doing it.

Suddenly she flung her arms around him, "Oh, Sev, thank you for taking such good care of me. I know that I must be such a burden but-"

"Now, Witch, don't even call yourself a burden,"he cut her off, "I'm not bothered by you being here," he petted her head, careful not to entangle his hands in her curls.

She was still for a while, nestled so neatly between his lean legs, head in the crook of his neck. She played with a strand of his long hair, braiding the tip of it, and undoing it just to braid it again. Snape had never been so inclined to just close his eyes and sleep. The warmth of her was enough to make him drowsy. She was like the sweetest smelling heated blanket.

"Severus," he hummed for her to continue, " I have something important to tell you. Please don't be upset."

"I don't think I could be upset with you," he chuckled.

"Just brace yourself, okay," she sat up out of his reach and he was instantly awake again.

"Very well," he sat up against the head board, imagining her face in the darkness.

She took a deep breath," I think that I might be polyamorus, which means that I have the ability to love more than one person at once."

"And," he asked, confused.

"What do you mean 'and'," she questioned, just as confused as him.

He couldn't help the grin that spread over his face, "Polygamy isn't uncommon, Ms. Granger, especially not among wizards and witches. I understand that you might think I am brushing you off but please know that I am not. I fully support you."

"Thank you, Severus, that means a lot to me."

There was a silence, and then she said, "Good bye, and goodnight."

"Goodnight," he said quietly, trying to think of a non creepy way of asking her to stay.

She made no move to leave, but instead she laid back down next to him.

"Would it be okay for me to sleep here tonight?"


The next morning he woke up with her in his arms. He knew then that he wanted to wake up like that every morning.



He felt his jaw lock up, and his stomach flip when he saw Hermione sneak out of Snape's room and into her bathroom. She  was wearing Viktor's jersey.

"Huh," the blonde snorted. "Looks like the old man beat us to it."

"He beat me to nothing," he placed the kettle on the stovetop angrily.

A few moments later Severus emerged from his room. The pair stared at him like corpses. "It's not what you think. She had a nightmare."

His defense wasn't totally untrue. Viktor narrowed his eyes, a low hiss slipping out of his teeth.

Severus ignored the Bulgarian and sat in his leather chair to finish his novel. The kettle was whistling when Hermione greeted them all. She was wearing clean cloths and she was dry her hair with a towel.

"Tea," Viktor said bluntly placing the cup in front of her, "two lumps, honey, and lemon."

"Thank you, puppy," she said this nickname teasingly. She didn't know he liked it. It made him feel like she harbored more affection for him.

"You're welcome," he sipped his coffee.

Draco sat down next to her, making sure that their knees touched under the table.  Viktor, Severus, and him were now officially at war.

A war with the prize of one Hermione Granger. A war worth fighting.


The only right way to end a chapter is in a cliffhanger.

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