Capter Eight

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Sorry for the inconvenience of my update schedule!


The grass in the quidditch field always looked strangely untouched. Sure there were as few spots where a blugger had dive bombed the ground or Harry had fallen but it always looked very well kept. He made a note of this as he marched firmly across it, his robes billowing around him like smoke.

Viktor stood with his newly picked team, chatting almost excitedly with his fellow enthusiasts. Snape was going to have to burst this bubble. Something worse had happened. Much worse than just a trial.

With a certain heaviness he interrupted the conversation, "I require Mr. Krum, all of you are dismissed for a free period."

Viktor didn't protest when Snape gave him the ' it has to do with her' look. One that had a slight glimmer of sadness and fear, eyebrows knitted together. Viktor went ahead of Snape, a powerful urge kicking in.

He was so protective of the girl that Draco made jokes about him being a wolf. He wasn't one, but it would make a lot of sense if he was.

Snape, with his long strides and determined nature, followed suit. He knew that when Viktor heard what was going on he would lose his mind. He just hoped that the large Bulgarian wouldn't destroy his living room.

When Viktor made it to the large wooden door he halted. Snape whispered to himself cinnamon.

The door swung open and the gentle giant rushed in. Draco was pacing back and forth along the granite floor. Hermione was nowhere in slight. And the auroa was the first thing Viktor happened to see.

"What is going on," in his anger his accent laid thickly over his words. "What has happened?"

The auroa gulped, "Well you see," he paused when the much larger man took a step closer, "We um, we can't,"

"They lost the bastard," Draco cut off the stuttering auroa. Viktor's eyes darted to him for only a moment, before unleashing a savage glance upon the auroa

He didn't even touch the man and he nearly fainted. "Where is Mia?"

Draco frowned putting a hand on Viktor's shoulder. Snape watched the two of them with a curious feeling. He knew of their love for Hermione. And he was beginning to understand what Albus had said.

"She needs her space," Draco said, an attempt to make the Bulgarian see reason. Viktor scowled, an accusation on his tongue. This was getting him nowhere, he only wanted to see her. Make sure she was okay, maybe hold her, but that was only if she came to him.

Snape gave it away, she had asked to see him. Draco's jealousy was just getting the best of him. "My room, just enter carefully."

Viktor nodded, smacking the blonde's hand off of him. Draco's glared could have seared off his skin.

"Draco," Snape began in a low voice, a hiss to his words, "Do not anger him. Don't add any upset that you can prevent."

The blonde just glanced up shamefully. His stomach felt like it was tied into a knot. He wanted so deeply to confess the way he felt, why he was so jealous of Viktor.

The air was disturbed in a way. "Speak, Godson."

"I think I might love her, Severus," storm grey met inky black, "Like genuinely love her. When I'm not around her I feel empty. Hollow, and I am so scared. I am absolutely terrified to show her. To let her know that I am so truly, deeply, and fiercely in love with her."

When he saw Severus's frown he felt he had done something wrong. He saw him cast a melancholy stare towards the hall, and  he understood. He understood why Snape had taken it upon himself to step in, when he normally wouldn't. Then he realized suddenly that all three of them were stupidly in love with this brilliantly, beautifully, carefully crafted girl, that they were all head over heels.

They made eye contact again,"Well fuck."


She desperately wished she could fall asleep. Severus had tried his hardest to calm her and help her get some rest. The sleep potion hadn't worked and now she was sitting up in his covers, with Viktor's shirt on trying to read a page from the book Draco gave her.

She had read the paragraph a total of twelve times. Yes she was counting. She was also counting the times that the clock ticked. She took it off the wall at 1, 806 ticks.

There was a knock and she immediately got up to answer it, then stopped and thought what if it was Ron?

"Mia," Viktor's voice was unbelievably calm, as always, "Are you awake, Darling?"

The hairs on her arms that had been raised where slowly going down. "Yes, come in."

He awkward as always, hunched to make himself look less intimidating he stepped in. Hermione rushed to him, seeking comfort that she couldn't find on her own. His arms were around her in an instant. He was always so careful, like she was a tiny doll made of the most delicate China.

She appreciated it immensely, it made her feel protected. She always found such a calm with Viktor. Kind, ever supportive Viktor. Truthfully he had her heart, if he wanted. She loved him. But at the same time she loved Severus. And she was starting to think that maybe she loved Draco too.

She was so very lost and right now she needed Viktor.


Hey I was wondering if you guys wanted a playlist on spotify for this story. Basically just all the songs that inspired this story. Let me know!

Also sorry for slow updates!

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