Chapter Six

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Thanks to all who have stayed this long! You give me in the motivation I need to write. If you like this story I have a Dramione One Shot up too.


She could kill Ron. No, she would kill Ron. No one dared step in the path of the fiery red head. Harry followed her as closely as he could but he struggled more through the crowd.

"Ginny," he cried out, nearly tripping over his own feet. She hadn't been able to figure out what was going on until the damage was over done. She was mad at herself. Harry knew that, huffing and sweating as he chased after his friend. The two of them had been called to the Headmaster's office.

"Lemon drops," Ginny hissed and the door rotated open.

"Ms. Weasley, Mr. Potter," the monotone for once did not sound hateful or unkind. It was relieved and almost gracious.

Last night had been a drain on the group. Answering the questions that the Auroas had, talking to Molly, trying to keep calm for Hermione. They all were ready to blow up like fireworks, but that wouldn't be good for anyone.

Speaking of Hermione, Ginny had watched the gentle group of three very different men watch over her in the past 24 hours. Viktor sang her to sleep. Snape made a dreamless sleep potion for her. In the morning Draco coaxed her into eating a little, so that she wouldn't feel drained.

Snape lead them to the large room, where Minerva, two Auroas, Draco and Viktor were standing in a tense circle. The conversation was tossed back and forth with a hushed and slightly aggravated tone.

"Um, hello," Harry tried in his awkward way that he always did. The boy pushed his glass back up his face and gave a half wave.

Ginny avoided niceties and cut straight to the point, "Ron did something terrible, and everyone here knows he did it. So tell me what is going to happen and I'll decide if the punishment is adequate."

The first Auroa spoke in an American accent, "Well, he will be temporarily be banned form the magical world and stripped of his magic for a year. This kind of stuff isn't reported often, so there isn't really protocol."

She scratched the back of her neck, feeling like she had just said that she couldn't lock up a convicted murderer. The Ministry really didn't have protocol. This kind of thing was handle by muggle police.

Ginny made a unsatisfied face, pursing her lips and walking over to one of the windows. "Permanently. Take his magic away forever. He doesn't use it anyway. He doesn't deserve to have it. He may be blood, but he is not my family."

A heavy silence filled the room. Harry looked around for his friend.

As always he was the one to break the much needed quiet. "Where is Hermione?"

Viktor responded, "With the," he turned to Draco with a questioning look, "Big man."

"Hagrid," Draco offered up, and Viktor nodded glancing at the chosen one.

Hermione was okay with Hagrid, everyone in the room trusted him, they weren't worried for her safety. Hagrid couldn't hurt a fly.

"I am with Ginerva on the matter of Ronald. He has proven that his magic is wasted on him. I am not trying to be unkind, I just believe that he is a danger to Ms. Granger." Snape spoke, level, none of his emotions showing through his mask.

The British auroa nodded thoughtfully, "We will talk to the board. Rest assured we'll try our best to put through your suggestion of punishment. Until the court proceedings please keep a very careful eye on Ms. Granger. If she doesn't testify we have no case."

"May we use the floo," the American asked.

Minerva waved her hand towards it. "By all means."


He wasn't showing his anger, not outwardly at least. He had shown enough of it when he unleashed the beast on that bastard. He tried his best not to cause any upset to his Flower.

He strolled down th hill towards the hut. Hermione sat on a chair out side staring into space, a large dog at her feet. It barked as Viktor neared.

"Mia," he was soft, taking his time to examine her. He had made sure she had brushed her teeth, and taken a shower earlier. The mass of curls was pulled up into a sort of half bun. She licked her lips and smiled a small bit.

It was a 'i'm so glad it's you' kind of smile. A sad sort of longing filled his heart. "Viktor."

He sat on one of the various stumps that were scattered around the hut. "Mia, how are you?"

"Okay, I just feel a little sick now." She raised her tea, "this helps."

On que the half giant came out of the door, holding a tea kettle, offering more water for Hermione's cup. He patted the dog on the head and nodded to Viktor. "Want some?"

"No, thank you," Viktor replied politely.

He wanted to speak. Spill his feelings, but it was much to early. She needed time.

However much time she needed, he would give her. She deserved that. At some point though he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

He would let it all out, no matter how she reacted he wouldn't get mad. If she didn't want him that was fine, he just wanted her to be happy. Even if it wasn't with him.

He could see her with the tall blonde, or the snarky professor. He could accept them, they seemed to feel the same way about her as he did.

"Viktor, please make me a promise."

"Anything," he didn't hesitate at all. He would do anything for her.

"Please don't pretend to be happy with me," she looked at him, clutching the cup.

He shook his head, "I couldn't fake happiness even if you paid me. I will stay, even when I am not happy, because I believe that you deserve happiness."

Then she gave a real smile, taking his hand, "Thank you Viktor."

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