Chapter Four

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Mentions of assault in this chapter. Just a warning


Severus was never sure how to deal with emotions. Much less a woman's. He was in a state of slow comprehensive panic. His guts felt knotted together, and then she began to cry. She brushed so furiously at her eyes that in his fear that she may hurt herself he stood and swept her into his arms.

"Oh Severus, I stopped him last time, but what if-"

He softly shushed her, trying to think of what he could do in this situation. "Hermione, please, listen to me my dear. I refuse to let that happen. I swear on my life that he won't hurt you. Not again."

Her little choking sobs quieted a bit, and helped her back into her chair. He knelt before her, brushing her hair behind her ears, swiping a tear off her smooth cheek. He had no place to advise her but he felt obligated to say this now. He wanted to tell her to break it off with Ron.

She was obviously scared, and felt alone. She had told him about her parents. What had happened. She needed someone to love her. Now more than before. But he didn't want it to seem like he was taking advantage of the state she was in. He may be a cruel, foul, evil, dungeon bat, but at least he wasn't a misogynistic asshole.

"May I have something to drink," her voice was so small, meek. He wanted to protect her, get her back to the lioness that didn't take shit from anyone. He wanted her to be happy.

"Of course," he made his way over to the kitchenette, filling the kettle with water and setting it on one of the burners. He came back, "Earl Grey, Green Tea, Peach, or rose infused?"

"Earl Grey, thank you," she smiled politely, dabbling under her eyes with the sleeve of her cardigan.  Her hair stuck to her face a bit from her tears. He stayed there with her for a moment, carefully picking up books and scrolls that had been played on the coffee and side table.

The kettle whistled, a sharp high cry, making his ears pop. He went back and filled a large mug with the boiling water, setting the teabag gently into it. He brought out the mug on a tray, allowing her to put the sugar in herself. He knew she liked most teas without sugar, but in earl grey she always put a random number of cubes in. She thought every earl grey tasted different. She was right. This time she gingerly dropped in two cubes, stirring until she believed them dissolved enough.

Severus began when she had settled, curling her legs to her chest. She sipped her tea listened to what he was saying. "I don't know if you are willing to take my advice on the matter, but I believe that Mr. Weasley isn't a good fit for you. What I am gathering, and stop me if I'm wrong, is that you fear him. Love should never be feigned when you are afraid that something bad may happen to you."

When she didn't speak he continued, "Do what is best for you but please do take my words seriously. You're intelligent and have a bright future set before you. Don't let relationship that you aren't happy in ruin that."

She chewed on her bottom lip staring staring at her hands. This irritated Severus greatly, he hated for things so delicate to be marred so deliberately.

"I'm going to," she looked at him, "I'm going to break it off with Ron. Explain to him why I feel like this."

"Good," he grinned affectionately, "the brightest witch of her age is finally thinking about herself."

She stood, placing the mug on the tray. Walking over to him she placed a kiss on his cheek and lightly whispered, "thank you, professor.


It was his introduction. He had come to late the day before to be given a proper one. So they decided that it should be today. They being McGonagall. He was quite fond of the head strong woman. Good head on her shoulders. She was quick to welcome him, quick to offer any assistance. Just a very calm, level being.

He much appreciated that they had given him such a large space to live in. Though he would never fill the whole of the quarters it was nice to have free range. He imagined having children and being able to raise them in these halls. But of course he mother would want him to have them in Bulgaria.

As he made his way to the great hall he passed through the dungeons. That was when he saw her again, slipping out of one of the great oak doors that were scattered among the halls. Her eyes were puffy but the ghost of a smile played about her pink lips. He caught up with her.

"Darling Mia," he said brightly, a large palm taking her hands into a gentle grasp. He was almost blissfully unaware of her troubles, happy, like a puppy when it's owner returns from work. She was surprised at first but staring into familiar muddy brown eyes she responded.

"Viktor," her voice as always was a music to his ears, "what a lovely surprise."

In a sort of excited broken english he spoke, "In the great hall, I am going to be introduced."

She laughed, like a little bell he thought. "That's wonderful."

Pleased with himself he walked her to the great hall in silence. Upon arrival his English flower was swept away by a long haired ginger girl. He tried not to be to upset.

Students stared in awe as he marched up to the teachers table and took a seat next to Mad-Eye Moody. Snape was late once again. He had heard that the potions professor made it a goal to be fashionably late to dinner.

Scanning the room his eyes landed on a pale blonde boy who starred blankly in one direction. Following his gaze he saw something that deeply upset him. The strange jealous ginger was talking to Mia. In what looked to be a nasty tone because she inched further away from him each second.

And suddenly all hell broke loose.


Thank you to _its_tristan_

For adding my story to a reading list.

Maythefoxhybrid read it.

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