Part 24 Listening

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            We could hear the shouting before we'd even reached the porch. It sounded it like it was mostly Tao yelling and some of the others chiming in with arguments.

As soon as we opened the door it all stopped. Theo ushered me in and closed the door behind us. I wasn't sure what to say or what to do. I couldn't even bring myself to look up because I knew all of them were looking at me.

"We did some talking..." Theo started.

"Mmhm. Talking." Cam muttered as he reached over and picked a piece of straw out of my hair.

"And we've agreed on a plan." Theo continued without acknowledging Cameron.

Theo's eyes shifted to me and I knew it was my turn to talk. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to picture the words carefully.

"I promise to wait one week while we try to get the trials pushed back. If we can't and my parents still haven't been arrested then I want to discuss a new plan where I actually get a voice and get taken seriously." I said.

"I always take you seriously Tori. That's why I don't want you to entertain the idea of going home. It's to dangerous." Aydan said.

"But it's not fair for you to just dismiss what I have to say and then demand that I listen to you. Maybe instead of telling me No to everything, you could tell me why you think it's a bad idea and offer better solutions." I said and my voice started to crack.

Aydan's black boots appeared in my line of sight as he moved to stand in front of me. His hands came up to tilt my face up. I resisted at first because I didn't want him to see how close I was to tears already but I knew he wouldn't talk until I looked at him so in the end I gave up and raised my eyes to his.

"You're right baby and I'm sorry. I will work on communicating better." Aydan said placed a soft kiss against my lips.

"We'll all work on listening better too." Tao added.

"Thank you." I said wiping at my eyes and taking another deep breath. Theo squeezed my shoulders.

"I think we should use this week to focus on your training. It'll be a good distraction as well as help you feel more a part of the team." Theo said.

"I agree." Aydan said and I nodded. I needed more training especially if I was going to try and talk them into sending me home in only a week.

"I can make a schedule." Cam offered.

"Perfect and in the meantime, Mateo and Theo can make a few phone calls and set up a meeting with your lawyer." Aydan inclined his head toward Sab.

Sab jerked his chin in response but he still hadn't moved or spoken. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed exactly like he'd been when I came back in.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You should probably take a nice hot bath." Theo said and kissed the top of my head before he, Tao, and Aydan disappeared.

"A bath?" I asked more than a little disappointed that I wasn't going to be of any use yet again.

Cam smirked and crooked a finger at me to move closer. I knew the look on his face was mischievous but my curiosity got the better of me. I took a step closer. Cam hooked an arm over my shoulders and pulled me all the way into a hug. He tucked his head in close to my ear and whispered even thought there was only one other person in the room and I was sure he could still hear.

"You smell like sex and you're going to be sore as hell tomorrow if you don't." Cam whispered and chuckled as he released me.

My face burned and I pressed the palms of my hands to my cheeks to help cool them back off.

"Does everyone know?" I squeaked.

Cameron and Sabbatian exchanged a glance before both nodding.

"How?!" I gasped.

"Your hair is totaled, your lips are swollen, and like I said you smell like sex." Cam shrugged.

"Oh my god..." I muttered shaking my head and disappearing down the hallway as fast as I could.

The bathroom door had barely shut behind me when someone knocked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

The door opened. Sabbatian stomped into the room, pushed me back against the wall, and covered my mouth with his in a punishing kiss. I was so surprised by it that my head was still spinning when he pulled away.

"I was listening." He growled at me.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered still reeling from his sudden kiss.

"I was listening. You said that no one cared because no one else was listening but I was." He growled. "I did not interrupt you. I did not talk over you. And I did not tell you no, not until you tried to leave me."

My eyes widened as I considered Sab's words. Thinking back I knew he was right. He'd hardly said anything at all during either meeting. I'd wrongly accused him with the others and run out on him for basically no reason. I felt terrible.

"I'm so sorry." I said. He'd been the only one listening this whole time and I hadn't even noticed because he was so quiet about it.

"You can't do that to me princessa." He shook his head. "You can yell and scream and even hit me if you're angry, we can spar it out, but please don't run from me."

Sabs voice cracked my heart nearly shattered in my chest.

"I'm so sorry." I said again.

He shook his head.

"This is my issue. I just wanted you to know that I listen, even when I'm being controlling I still listen." He said.

I nodded and swallowed hard to keep the tears back.

"I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to walk out on you specifically I just needed space from everyone." I tried to explain.

Sab sighed and nodded.

"My parents..." He started and paused to take a deep breath. "A few months before I stepped off that building my parents got into a fight. My mother walked away, to get space, and she never came back."

"Sab..." I tried but I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat so I just held my breath while I waited for Sab to continue.

"Take your bath..." He sighed shaking his head. "We'll talk later."

I opened my mouth to protest because I wanted to talk now but before I could Sab dropped a soft kiss against my forehead and disappeared from the bathroom.  

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