Part 13 Street Racing

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"There's the others." Tao said nodding to an unfamiliar dark blue car that pulled up next to us at a light. I squinted in an attempt to see through the windows but it was impossible with the dark tinting.

"Make sure it's in neutral and then tap the gas twice." Tao instructed.

I did as he asked. The engine growled threateningly and I recognized the sound of a challenge. My eyes widened and shot over to Tao. He simply winked and nodded back to the other car.

The dark blue car let out one long echoing growl in response and Tao smirked.

"Remember what I was telling you about skipping first?" Tao asked tugging my seat belt a few times before checking his own.

I nodded widening my eyes impossibly more.

"You're gonna want to do that on green." He said sitting back in his seat and focusing on the light.

I turned back to look at the light as well. I did my best to swallow back my fear and ignore the pounding of my heart as I waited for the light to change.

Once the color transitioned my heart leapt up into my throat and I slammed the peddle down in sink with the shifter. Tao's car shot forward smoothly and I didn't wait for Tao to tell me what to do. I listened for the slight sound change in the engine, shifted again, and then again. In no time we were flying down the road faster than I'd ever thought possible.

The blue car didn't even have a chance to catch up before Tao was telling me to slow back down for a turn.

We pulled into a parking lot. I glanced around eager to see who was driving the blue car but before they pulled in Tao was reaching for me. In a snap he had my seat belt off and pulled me over into his lap. I opened my mouth to ask what he was doing but my question was answered when his mouth closed over mine.

The sudden and very demanding kiss made the excited butterflies in my stomach sink down low.

 I didn't get a chance to sink into the kiss or enjoy the feeling of Tao's jean clad thighs between my legs. Just as quickly as it had started it ended and I was being pulled out of the car.

Sab gave me half a second to right my dress and then I was being marched around the corner of the building. There were no cars or people around back. Sab released my arm and then his hand swung out. A stinging pain erupted along my behind. My breath caught and my eyes watered at the sudden and painful swat and then Sab's mouth was on mine. All thoughts of the pain I'd felt only a second ago fled.

Sab pressed me back against the cool wall of the building, his hand tangled in my hair, and his thigh pressed between mine. I didn't care that my dress was sliding up or that my bottom still stung. Sab's thigh pressed deeper between mine until I could feel him through my panties and it was all I could think about.

Sab pulled back with a careful bite on my lip and then he waited. He was breathing almost as hard as I was. His eyes were darker than usual and I couldn't tell if he was aroused or angry.

"Do you know what you did?" He rumbled deeply.

I gulped. Wracking my brain for an answer I came up blank. All I had done was the little mini race but Sab had said that I could race with them. Hadn't he?

"D-driving?" I asked. My voice quivered and I swallowed again.

"Street racing. The kind Tao should NOT be doing because he will go to prison. You did not know who you were racing and I specifically told you only with Aydan or I." Sab said.

My eyes widened and I shook my head. I didn't know Tao could get into that kind of trouble. I knew what the darkness in Sab's eyes was now, anger, and it was my fault. My eyes burned.

"I'm sorry." I said quickly. "I'll never do it again." I promised shaking my head.

"No." Sab said catching my chin. "You are good and you liked it. You can do it. But there is a time and a place. That place is with Aydan or I and that is it."

"I'm sorry." I said again.

Sab looked down at me and for what felt like forever all I cold hear was the blood pounding in my ears. He sighed and tilted my chin up even farther before lowering his mouth to mine. The soft kiss he placed against my lips was almost as startling as the swat had been. He leaned back just enough to speak without talking against my lips.

"I forgive you." He eased back, moving his thigh away, and releasing me.

I stumbled a little from how shaky my legs were but Sab caught me as if he had been expecting it. He helped steady me.

"Are you ok?" He asked after a pause of just looking down at me. 

I blinked quickly and looked up at him with a nod.

"Kotenok, answer honestly." He grumbled.

I gulped and nodded again. Hearing that I wasn't in trouble anymore helped to ease some of the tightness in my chest. I was so relieved that he wasn't upset with me anymore. I stumbled a step closer and wrapped my arms around his waist. Sab's arms tightened around me and he kissed the top of my head.

The others were all leaning against the cars waiting for us. Theo had his arms crossed and he looked annoyed more so than disapproving. Aydan looked angry but his eyes softened just a fraction when he turned his eyes toward me. Cameron and Tao had their arms folded as well and both looked like they were sulking. I wondered if they had gotten into trouble too.

I went over to where Cameron and Tao were to lean as well. Cameron immediately unfolded his arms and did a quick finger comb through my hair.

"Sorry I got you in trouble." Cam said smoothing my hair once more before dropping his arm.

"It was my fault. She just did what I told her to do." Tao said.

"She did it like a fucking pro though." Cam said some of his sulking faded away to excitement.

"Enough. We need to focus on this meeting." Aydan interrupted. We all turned to focus on him.

"Cameron you and Sabbatian are meeting with Chandler. Mateo you're meeting Quinn. And Tori you are going with Theo and I to meet Porter and Howell."

"Do we know what they look like?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. We've all met before." Cameron nodded. 

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