Part 17 Lies

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I was surprised when I woke up surrounded by the warm earthy scent of cedar and vanilla. It wasn't so much the scent alone that was surprising but the feel of the body that accompanied the scent that was also all around me. I couldn't recall ever waking up like this with Aydan and after last nights fiascos I certainly hadn't expected to today.

Somehow I had managed to sling one of my legs around his like a vine. My foot was wedged in so tightly that neither of us could be freed without the others help and yet somehow it didn't seem to hurt. For some humiliating reason I had one hand tucked into the back of Aydan's pajama pants and the other tangled in his hair.

Aydan's hands were not nearly as devious as mine appeared to be. He had one arm tucked under both of our heads and one hand on my very bare hip.

I blinked and glanced down in confusion as to where my shirt had gone. Unlike Aydan's it was still there however it was scrunched up almost high enough that the bottom of my breast threatened to pop out over one wrong move.

I gulped and glanced back up toward Aydan's face to see if I would have time to right myself before waking him. All hope was lost when my eyes met with his intense green ones.

"G-Good morning." I stuttered out nervously.

Aydan stared at me and I could see the debate in his eyes as he decided how to respond. He was still upset over last night and probably the way we were tangled up this morning.

When he shifted I was expecting him to roll over and storm out again. I wasn't expecting him to pull me against him and shove his tongue in my mouth.

Though commanding the kiss started out sweet. Each stoke of his tongue and gentle bite of his teeth coerced a response from my body that was almost primal. I leaned into the kiss, my hand in his hair tightening and urging him further. Urging him to give and take what ever he wanted or needed and he did.

The kiss turned from coaxing to full blown corruption. His hand tangled in my hair. His body pressed into mine demanding dominance and my body responded, yielding in anyway that it could to his commands.

Despite my body's eager responses the kiss didn't progress. Aydan's hands stayed where they were and I couldn't help but squirm desperately beneath him. I wanted more.

"No." Aydan said releasing my mouth.

I blinked several times in confusion as I tried to make out why he was saying that. Once I managed to find my voice I croaked out a curious and concerned "What?"

"I know what you want but that cannot happen right now. I'm still angry about your lies last night and if this continues it will turn into more punishment than pleasure." Aydan explained carefully.

"Punishment?" I asked.

"Yes. I've told you honesty and communication are important to me. You disregarded both last night when you lied. I understand if you're not ready to talk about something or if you're not ready to talk at all but in that situation I expect you to communicate that to me, not lie to my face and tell me that you are fine and nothing is wrong when we both know it's not the truth." He explained.

I gulped and nodded. He was right. I had behaved childishly last night. Pretending nothing was wrong was a huge mistake. I shouldn't have done that. I should've just told Aydan that I wasn't ready to talk about it.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I didn't mean to... to upset you."

"I know that. And I know you are still learning to communicate and be a part of our family. If any of the others had lied to me they would be in the hot seat as well." Aydan said.

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