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After locating the event organisers, all of the teams from the three Watches gathered at the relay area. A crowd began to form around where we all stood, waiting for the start of the race. There was a steady flow of teasing banter between us all as we prepared and stretched. I glanced ahead at the small obstacle course that started the race, the first person being expected to complete that before running to meet the next team member a little lower down. There was a short balance beam in each makeshift lane that had been set up, followed by some tyres to run through.

"I'll go first." Pixie grinned at me as our team huddled together to discuss the placing of our members.

I eyed her suspiciously, her joyful tone hinting at there being some sort of reason for the offer.

"Do I want to know why you're so keen on going first?" Cain asked skeptically.

Dodger arched a brow, directing his curious gaze at Pixie, who promptly shrugged with a cocky smirk.

"I have no idea what you mean." She said simply.

"Of course not." I retorted sarcastically. "Okay, Pix can go first, for reasons known only to her. Cain you up for going second?"

Cain nodded in response, then looked towards Dodger.

"Third?" He asked.

Dodger nodded, then clapped me on the upper arm.

"That leaves you to sprint us into the win then bro."

"Perfect, sorted."

Breaking the little huddle we were in, we turned back to the others and waited for the race to start.

An elder, petite woman stepped forwards holding three batons, one green, one red, and one blue, and a tall, square topped metal stool. Her chestnut hair was streaked with natural silver strands and pulled into a high bun on the top of her head.

"Good Afternoon everyone, thank you for coming. My name is Adelaide, and I am one of the hosts of today's charity event." She said loudly to the crowd, standing the stool between the two lanes. "I want to say a special thank you to the men and women of the London Fire Brigade, for being willing participants in today's entertainment."

There was a small round of applause from the public, led by Adelaide. As it died down, she held up the batons and continued her speech:

"This event will be a straight forward, four person, relay race. Two teams will go head to head, and of those two, the winning team, will face the winning team of the next race, and so on, until we have one team left victorious."

I could already feel my competitive streak beginning to kick in. The urge to win was always strong for me, ever since I was a kid. Perhaps not as bad as Pixie, who tended to want to win by any means necessary, but it came a close second. I began drumming my fingers against my thigh, my brain running the track already inside my head.

"The baton's colours correspond with the team who it belongs to. For each race, I will place the appropriate batons onto the stool at the starter mark. You must pick up the correct baton, and begin the race. Should you drop it at any time, you must pick it up in order to continue, then hand it over to the next person when you reach their position."

We all nodded our clear understanding, and watched as she placed the red and blue baton onto the stool.

"Red Watch, team one, you are up first against Blue Watch, team two."

I smirked as I caught the eye of Ross Keats, another member of Blue Watch. He was easily their most athletic looking member, with a large, built form. His blonde hair was tied back in a bun, and he was wearing a smug grin on his chiseled face.

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