New Recruit

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A phone rang down the hall and Tom excused himself, leaving Alex in charge. The whole table's attention was focused on the new recruit. There was no denying that she was beautiful, with a shapely, athletic physique, golden skin and shoulder length brown hair. She captured my attention instantly, giving off the impression of a woman who knew how to handle herself. Not that I was surprised, in this line of work, it's a crucial thing. She was already kitted out in uniform, and as she shook her fringe out of the way, her silvery grey eyes caught the light, shimmering brightly like moonstones.

"Rosie is fine." She said casually, with a nod of her head.

"Rosie then." Alex nodded in agreement, before turning towards the table and pointing towards Cain, "This is Leading Firefighter Cain Shaw."

"Or Hustler to the Watch." Cain said, standing and shaking her hand.

"Hustler hey?" Rosie asked, her brows arched in curiosity.

"Yeah, don't play poker with him." Sam chimed in, rising to his feet and reaching over to shake her hand.

"Firefighter Sam Tate." Alex spoke up.

"Just Sam, and yes... I've heard the fireman Sam thing many times." Sam laughed.

"I'm sure you have, it's kind of a must, to torture your colleagues." Rosie smiled.

"Knowledge like that will ensure that you fit in well here." Dodger perked up moving forward with the rest of them.

I stayed towards the back of the group, struggling for a moment with my immediate levels of visual attraction to her. If I'd met her in a club, I'd be buying her a drink right about now, and that thought sat uncomfortably in my chest.

"Firefighter Harry Olsen." Alex continued, nodding towards him.

"Dodger to this lot." He said, taking her hand and giving his signature cheeky wink.

"As in Artful?" Rosie asked.

"That's the one. He has his fingers in everything." Pixie answered, making her way to the front of the welcoming committee as the others moved away. "I'm Cassandra, but Pixie to the family. I don't think I need to explain why." She added, gesturing to her smaller stature.

"Thank you Firefighter Lee." Alex sighed, with half a laugh.

"You're welcome Sub." Pixie smiled, "Just trying to save you some time."

I caught sight of the chuckle that Rosie tried to stifle at Pixie's attitude, and had to suppress a grin myself, she always was a sparky one. Next up, Alex set his sights on Will, inclining his head in that direction and continuing his introductions:

"Firefighter Will Molton," Will stepped forwards and shook her hand, giving her a warm smile before returning to his dinner. "Firefighter Caleb Jackson."

"Just Jax. Welcome to Red Watch." Jax said.

"And finally," Alex rounded to me, "Firefighter Bane Knight."

Rosie's silver eyes landed on me properly for the first time since she entered the room. A small smile played on her lips as she stepped toward me, meeting me halfway and taking hold of my hand, shaking it firmly.

"Pleasure to meet you." She said, her hold lingering on my hand.

"You too." I replied, the corner of my mouth lifting a touch in a half smile.

"Just Bane? Or...?"

"Oh no, he's got a nickname alright." Dodger's voice came from behind me, followed by his hand clapping against my shoulder as he pulled me to his side. "You gonna tell the lady?" He said smugly in my ear.

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