Two | Castle of Glass

Start from the beginning

The pair laugh loudly at the curse. After a moment, she can't help but join in.

"Will you three shut up? I'm trying to sleep."

The trio turn to the voice, finding the ember-eyed pureblood glaring at them from his position on the couch. Alyssia rolls her eyes.

Jin and Hobi share a look, Jin shaking his head fondly.

"Hoseok." He says. "Please could you show Miss Lancaster to her room." The mentioned human flushes at the mention of Hobi's real name.

"Sure thing."

"Dinner will be in an hour. One of us will collect you when it's time."

"Thanks, Jin."

"No problem my dear."


The room was much larger than the ones she was used to. She was sure that it was larger than any of the human houses alone; though she supposed that was to be expected.

It was relatively simplistic, suiting her tastes just fine. There were three doors, one leading to the hallway outside, the door to the bathroom, and a large walk-in closet. She quickly runs into the bathroom, turning on the shower immediately.

It had been so long since she had access to running water.

Shedding her clothes, she steps under the jet stream. The lukewarm water lulls her into a trance as her mind begins to wander.

Here she was, the centre of the vampire stronghold, surrounded by the Seven most powerful beings in existence. What was she doing here? She was so sure of herself. But now...

She snaps herself out of her thoughts, pushing them to the back of her mind as she scrubs herself clean. Wrapping a towel around her body, she walks into her room and towards the closet.

"You know you could always wear that to dinner."

She almost drops her towel in surprise as she turns to the green-eyed man on her bed. Blood rushes to her face as she tries to hide herself.

"C-Can I help you?"

"Well that depends on what you're offering." He winks, flustering her more.

"A kick in the balls."

"Easy sweet cheeks. Though I do like them feisty." He rakes his eyes over her as if she was a piece of meat, and her embarrassment turns to anger.

"Who are you?"

"You mean you don't remember?" She continues to glare. He sighs. "The name's Jimin sweetheart, remember it."

"Jimin." She tries the name on her tongue. "The pervert."

It's his turn to glare this time, earning a smirk from her. Turning, she goes to get changed, making sure the door was locked behind her.

So much for a quiet life.


"So, Alyssia." Hoseok starts. "Do you have any family?"

The eight of them were currently sitting around a large table in the dining room, eating God knows what.

She tenses slightly, pausing a moment before bringing the glass of water to her lips.

"I used to."

"You used to?"

"They're dead."

An awkward silence falls, and no one dares move for a long moment. All eyes snap to the scraping of a chair.

"I'm done." It was Jungkook. Another shudder racks her body as he walks past her to leave. She could have sworn she felt his eyes on her.

The room relapsed into silence, and Jin coughs awkwardly.

"Well then... who'd like dessert?"



A guard comes bursting into Namjoon's study, interrupting his and Jin's discussion. The pair glare at the intruder.

"This had better be important."

The guard temporarily freezes at Namjoon's cold tone, before continuing with his task.

"Sire... there's been another incident."

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