She's My Pure-blooded Master?! Prologue- The Before

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             “Mommy! Daddy! Why do you keep going away and leaving me and Lucy at Gammas house?” A small boy with black hair and bright blue eyes whined holding a small child in his arms.

“I’m sorry Edward. Mama and Papa have work,” said a woman’s sweet and gentle voice from far off. Edwards eyes became teary and soon the tears started pouring down his face.

The beeping that had been going on through most of the dream soon started getting louder and louder as Edward sobbed.

I gasped, shooting up from the bed and panting softly as my alarm clock kept beeping loudly, I banged it on the sleep button to quiet it. Sighing, I flopped back onto the bed covering my face. It had been 10 years ago when that event had happened, now, 16 years old, it still happened but he wasn’t the balling baby that he was before, he had gotten used to his parents traveling often because of work.  I groaned hearing yelling from downstairs calling me for breakfast. I sat up trudging from the bed and stumbled downstairs still half asleep.

My dad as always was making breakfast, his hair the same black hue as my own, his eyes a lighter blue but still bright. My mother was drinking her usual coffee; her blond curly hair messy and unorganized was still pretty with her piercing green eyes that could always seem to see through anything. Then, there was my 9 year old little sister, Lucy, with her blond hair exactly like my mothers except straight. She had the same eyes as me and my father.

My dad smiled at me cheerily. “So, how was your sleep son?” He asked the same way most fathers do with his stern but gentle voice. He was practically asking outright, if I had a dream about a girl.

“It was fine, nothing new,” I mumbled quietly, smirking to myself, I could see my mother watching carefully.

“Eddie has a girlfriend! Eddie has a girlfriend!” Lucy started chanting playfully.

“I do not Lucy!” I yelled at her blushing lightly and then looked away slightly embarrassed.

“It’s fine to be embarrassed sweetie, we all go through it,” mother said standing up and laughing to herself. She went to put her cup of coffee away, but tripped. My dad sighed as he caught her and we all laughed.

“C’mon June, don’t tease him so much,” father said smiling and kissing my mom’s forehead and putting the plate he had been holding on the counter to help my mom up again. My mom giggled and kissed him back.

“Aww Sammy Hun, fine,” she said putting her cup in the sink to be washed later after the washing machine was done. They both smiled at each other, the way parents smile at each other and you know there’s a connection, or they're speaking to each other through their minds as I like to think.  

“Alright kids, time to get ready for school!” My mom said her cheeks pink. I smiled and went upstairs ready to leave in 10 minutes. We waited till Lucy came down 5 minutes later smiling happily in her new outfit.

“Into the car!” my dad announced as he got into the car himself. My mom rolled her eyes and ushered us out and into the car. I smiled at my distasteful yellow house as we were leaving remembering how mother had wanted it to be a happier environment. My parents dropped Lucy off first then myself before they waved goodbye. I entered the school for the day.

After school was over, I thought of how the day had been an exciting one. I was talking happily with my friend Steven Jean about how Stacie Mcormac, the prettiest girl in school, had asked me out. Me! Of all people!

Steven was busy saying it was impossible and it was a joke on me but I couldn’t help but be happy. “C’mon, it’s a joke. You’re a nerd and she’s popular, she’d never go out with you! I mean, not that you’re not a nice guy but really, she could have anyone in the school so why you?” Steven asked rubbing his head agitated. I knew the guy was just looking out for me but I just laughed.

“Well, maybe it was my charming good looks,” I said with a posing. He smirked.

“Well, maybe but if you get hurt don’t blame me,” he said shrugging.

“Yep, completely my fault! Now she wants me to meet her under the tree at Evergress Hill in an hour,” I said excitedly, practically jumping up and down. I saw my parents driving up to the school parking so I waved to Steven and went to meet them.

“Hey! I’m going to walk home today,” I said when I got to the car grinning from ear to ear.  

“No,” My dad said simply.

“But dad! I have a date!” I said pleadingly hoping he would understand.

“No. Me and your mother have to leave tomorrow so we’re having a family meeting tonight,” Hh said sternly. It was unlike him to be so stern but I really wanted to go.

“Please dad! She’s the most popular girl in school and even if you say no I’ll just go anyways,” I said stubbornly but still a bit nervous. “Mom please,” I said after he didn’t reply.

“I’m sorry hunny, you just can’t today. Maybe tomorrow?” She said trying to compromise, but I knew there wouldn’t be a tomorrow if I didn’t go.

“Hmph! I’m 16, so i'm old enough. Please! Why does it matter anyways? You’re just going to abandon me and Lucy tomorrow anyways!” I said knowing I had hit a sore spot with my parents. My mom looked at my dad nervously.

He sighed. “Alright, but only for a few hours and then come right home!” He gave a nervous expression. I smiled happily.

“Thanks guys! I love you,” I said with my previous grin reappearing. They nodded and smiled back at me a little.

“Have fun,” my mother said leaning forward and kissing my cheek. I grinned and turned as they pulled out and drove away to pick up Lucy. I went to Steven grinning like an idiot.

“Well, I’ll walk with you to Evergress but then I need to get home,” he said swinging his bag over his shoulder. I didn’t have homework so I didn’t bring my bag. We walked to Evergress talking and laughing. We waved goodbye to each other when Steven left and I sat on the hill. Little did I know that would be the last time I would talk to Steven or my family.


Alright! Sorry it took so long but I tried hard XD Im still not very happy with this but I hope its alright >.< Im currently reading Unicorns vs Zombies so sorry if this took long~! XD

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