She's My Pure-blooded Master?! Chapter 4- Smell

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CHAPTER 5 FINALLY!!!!!! XD I finally got to it and it's extra long now! :D I'm working harder on my grammar and my writing so I hope that anyone reading this enjoys it :) Please comment, I love to hear anything anybody has to say XD Thanks and Bye Bye <3


My mouth was wide open as I stared at her dumbfounded. Help her? Why should I? I thought to myself angrily. She stared at me in a way that made me think she was repulsed to even ask help from me. I wanted to hit her or cause her some sort of harm but knew I couldn't. I glared at her instead trying to make her at least flinch, but she was unfazed and continued to look at me with eyes that looked almost pitied me.

"No way! I'm not helping you even if my life depended on it!" I yelled at her angrily, slamming my hands against the table again to try and scare her. She sighed as she looked right where I hit the table with a sad and disappointed expression.

"Alright . . . then you can leave once you heal. Be warned though, this world is unlike your own. It's far more dangerous and you will be killed if you're not careful," she said looking at me. It unnerved me how steady and serious her gaze was. She stood, then brushed my shoulder with hers as she walked passed me. I couldn't help but shiver from the touch, she felt unusually human though her smell was the only thing parting her from blending in with humans. She seemed to smell like roses and I wondered if all vampires smelled like that.

I stood dumfounded for a few minutes wondering what I would do, in my anger I had just yelled what I thought but I wondered if leaving the confines of Arina's castle was really the safe thing to do. I soon started roaming the corridors aimlessly looking for the bedroom I had been in before. I looked inside every door that I could but had no luck. After around an hour or so, I was starting to wonder if I was even on the right floor. Frustrated, I just kept on walking. I don’t know how long but I just kept looking through doors; the castle was actually pretty large.

I wanted to find the person who killed my family and rip them apart, but I didn't trust Arina. I wondered when, or if, I helped her get what she wanted she would just kill me. All of a sudden, I tripped on my feet and fell to the floor. I grunted from the force of my land and when I tried to regain myself, I winced form the pain.

"Hello? I'm lost. Anyone here to help me or something?" I called bored and frustrated from running around without even knowing where I was going. I stayed where I was, waiting for what seemed like hours, which I figured in reality, was only a few minutes. Finally, I saw a figure coming towards me. I crouched down behind a suit of armour getting ready to attack. Despite my previous call I was now nervous to meet anyone. The figure was soon only a few feet away before I planned to spring on it and when that person was close enough I jumped.

I heard a gasp when we fell to the floor. Looking down on the one I had attacked, I blushed lightly. I had attacked a girl looking no older than myself. She had light brown hair that almost looked like it was sparkling and blue eyes. Her clothes, now dirty from falling to the ground, was a blue, long-sleeve nightgown.

"W-what are you doing! Get off of me!" She glared at me. I could tell she wasn't human not just from the faint small of salt water but how her eyes seemed to be changing colour slowly to a golden hue. I glared back down at her producing a low growl from my throat, which I didn't even think was possible coming from me. I had her pinned down by her arms, my body straddling hers.

"What are you? Why are you here?" I asked suspiciously. We both glared at each other, a mutual feeling of hatred for the other clear as crystal.

"Hmph, for a vampire you sure are stupid! I'm a harpie, idiot! And your other question is none of your business. Asshole," the girl said while smirking at me before she stuck out her tongue. "Now let me go or I'll make your ears bleed." She growled, looking like she was about ready to kill me.

I nervously loosened my grip on her arms before I gasped and found myself on the ground looking up at the girl, who now held a knife to my neck. We both glared at each other, ready to attack, but neither of us got the chance because right then I heard a clap louder than I had ever heard before right behind me, and resound through the building.

A man stood behind us smiling widely. My head was upside down from laying down as I looked at him confused. "It worked! Alice, did you hear that? A clap louder than the normal kinds that can stop a fight in an instant!" the man said excitedly. The man looked to be around 20 with blond hair sticking out messily. He was wearing goggles though they were pulled back so they weren't on his eyes at the moment and wore black jeans with a dark blue t-shirt - both looked horribly stained in places. He smiled good-naturedly at the two of us lying on the ground like it was a normal occurrence.

"Tom! I thought I told you not to test those damn contraptions around me!" the girl named Alice yelled not quite glaring at Tom but clearly angry. The man, Tom, looked rather hurt as he glanced at the ground.

"But Miss, Arina said not to harm the guest," he mumbled defensively. I looked between the two confused. Both Alice, and Tom seemed strange; Alice smelled like salt water but Tom . . . I just couldn't place it at the moment.

"He attacked me first!" Alice yelled, standing up and brushing off her nightgown. "It's his fault for provoking me!" Alice said seeming to calm down a bit with Tom's arrival.

I looked between the two wanting to disappear; they creeped me out, especially Alice. "And it's dinner time, by the way. You must be tired from running around so much all day," Tom said cheerfully smiling at me.

"I just left that place a while ago though!" I complained.

"Edward Matts was it?" Tom asked politely. I nodded. "You've been running around for over an hour and you didn’t eat when Miss Arina did so she has ordered that you be fed now," Tom said happily before he turned to Alice. I just couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with Tom, for him to be happy when he had just said that Arina had ordered him to do something. "Are you going to join us Alice?" he asked, sounding a little too hopeful but then looked at the ground, disappointed, when Alice glared.

"No!" she said angrily. "That kid got me in a bad mood now." She glared at me before she turned around, stalking off down the corridor. I glared right back at her.

"Sorry about her," Tom said sadly, this made me feel bad for the guy. "This way" he mumbled not as cheerful as he was before. He started walking down the corridor, opposite from the way that Alice had gone. I followed, stumbling after him. I made more noise than Tom who I was now sure was human, since he smelled better than anything I ever thought possible.

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