She's My Pure-blooded Master?! Chapter 6- Goodnight

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Ok! Ok! Ok! Sorry I havent posted in such a LONG time!!!!! Making a cover for the story right now XD Sorry it's so short though! lol


At first, since I was suspicious that something might have been put in it, I ate tiny bits of food; I couldn't stand it for too long though and I started digging in eating as much as I could. I hadn't realized how hungry I had been till now, I ate at least 3 plate fulls. I was thirsty too, extremely thirsty, but I was afraid to drink anything.

"Stop," Arina said when I had reached for Tom's water hoping to quench my thirst. I instantly stopped my hand, my throat hurting, and glared at Arina angrily.

Arina sighed and said, "you can't drink anything but blood. Anything else will kill you slowly and painfully, especially water . . . you can move now," she mumbled, drinking her own glass of blood.

I sat back were I was, crossing my arms. "Why can't I? It's not like I wanted to be like this," I said glaring at her.

"If I had left you human you would have died," Arina said her eyes a light red as she put down her glass.

"Died? What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously, frowning and looking at Arina confused but curious.

"Never mind. Now that you've agreed to join, I think we should head to Lapidia," Arina said nodding to Tom.

"Oh!" Tom exclaimed. "Yes, we should get that ready," he started digging into his food trying to finish quickly.

"Lapidia? Where the hell is that," I asked, staring at my own glass of blood hungrily. I didn't want to drink it but my throat burned and I really wanted it to stop.

"You'll see and, you know, you really should drink that. Newborns need more blood than any others," Arina stated.

"I'm not drinking it! I don't even know where it came from. I mean, seriously, it could be from some test subject you have hidden in the basement," I said still untrusting and suspicious.

Arina stared at me blankly before sighing looking away, "How did you know?"

I gasped and backed away from the drink before Tom and Arina started laughing at me. I looked at the two extremely confused.

James had just walked inside the room from the kitchen with dessert, "she was kidding," James mumbled, rolling his eyes and putting the desserts on the table before sitting down himself. "We get the blood from donors," he said as he started eating.

I thought about it for a few moments. Well, if the people wanted to donate the blood to some vampire then alright . "Fine," I mumbled trying to seem unconcerned and grabbed the cup and gulped the blood down in an instant.

Arina laughed at me then she stood up smiling. "Tom, get things ready for Lapidia. We're leaving tomorrow at noon," she said before stretching and putting her plate and utinsels on Toms now empty plate.

Tom put his utensils down too and stood up. "Alrighty! I'm on it," he said turning and practically running out of the room.

Arina smiled and nodded to me. "Can you find your way back to your room alone?" she asked with a smirk.

She knew damn well that I couldn't find my way around this maze. Trying to look like I knew what I was doing, I nodded. "Of coarse I know!" I said crossing my arms.

"Alright, then I think I'll go to my room which is just at the end of the corridor where your room is," she said with a laugh before she turned to leave.

"Well, I guess, since we're going the same way we could go together," I said scratching the back of my head, I looked back at the silent James. He waved and grabbed all the plates before heading into the kitchen; the blue fairy hardly seemed noticable with his quiet demeanor.

I turned and followed Arina not wanting to lose my way and be lost for the whole night like I had been during the day. I sighed as we started walking back to the rooms.

Arina smiled at me. "So are you getting used to being a vampire?" she asked trying to make conversation.

"Hmph! Who could ever get used to this," I said irritated by the question.

She laughed. "Well, I did. I've been here for a very long time," she said, somehow looking sad. I couldn't place how but just the way her eyes shone, not that I was paying attention to her eyes or anything.

"How did you become a vampire?" I asked without thinking.

"I was born into a vampire family, meaning I was one since birth and at 16; I just stopped ageing," Arina said shrugging.

"Where is your family then?" I asked curiously.

Arina smiled coldly. "Dead," she said simply as she kept walking, looking foreword with her eyes icy.

"How?" I finally asked.

Arina didnt reply. "This is our hallway. Yours is five doors down. Goodnight, Edward dear," she said smiling at me sadly before she disappeared into her bedroom and left me standing alone, outside of the door.

I turned and counted five doors down wondering what had happened to Arina's family . . . not that it was any of my concern but I was curious. I pulled the door open to my room and shuffled inside closing the door behind me; it creaked and slammed shut. I collapsed onto the bed, my eyes drooping drowsily, and I pulled the blanket over me before falling into a deep sleep.

She's My Pureblooded Master?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن