She's My Pure-blooded Master?! Chapter 2- Thirst

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My body started burning in pain, I screamed feeling my body go numb. Tears started flowing down my face more rapidly, my body trembling violently, and I screamed in pain again. It felt as though the world was falling apart as I screamed again and again, as my body was falling into darkness I felt myself hit the ground hard.

I woke up slowly, getting sense into my body and then opening my eyes I looked up at a stone ceiling. I was in a small bed with black covers. Looking out the window it seemed to be twilight; the sky was dark and overcast. I sat up and rubbed my forehead confused, before I felt a deep thirst hit me. I gagged and stood up, wobbling slightly. Looking around the room I saw it was old fashioned and ancient, the walls were stone and the room was lit by a single candle.

I stumbled out of the room gasping as I used the wall to balance myself. "Nhn w-water," I gasped clutching at my neck, feeling my mouth watering; the thirst, it felt unbearable. I finally found myself in a large room that had a golden chandileir on the roof, and a long table in the middle of the room. The room was lit up brightly, and sitting at the very top of the table was the girl. I trembled, as many emotions swept through me: frightened of the girl, curious to know exactly where I was, not to mention my loss of family which brought my thoughts back to the girl, who was she?

"You!? W-why are you h-here!" I asked alarmed. The girl giggled seeming amused.

"Before that, here!" She said holding up a glass of red liquid. I felt my legs walking toward the girl instantly, feeling my brain go fuzzy from the smell of the liquid. It smelt like iron and something else that I couldnt pin, so taken in by the smell I felt I would lose my sanity if I didnt take a sip. My mouth was watering, my eyes yearning for the liquid as I reached out a shaky hand and took the glass. Instantly I started gulping the liquid down as if it were candy, the burning in my throat slowly starting to feel better.

The girl giggled when I finished the drink and set it down on the wooden table covered with a red table cloth. "Wow I made the right choice, your eyes are such a pretty red," she said smiling at me, her white teeth flashing. I noticed her eyes were now more of a purple colour. I looked at her both confused and stunned.

"My eyes aren't red, they're blue," I said nervously. She smiled and took a small black mirror out of her pocket that looked like an antique

"See!" She said showing the reflection to me. I looked inside the mirror and gasped, backing away slightly, as I saw the mirror. My eyes were blood red, they looked like rubies as I peeked at them

"M-my eyes? Why?" I asked more to myself than the girl. She sighed

"Well if you sit down and tell me your name I just might tell you what happened to you," she said drinking her own cup of red liquid, though slower than I had. She looked like she had a lot of control not to gulp the drink down instantly. I sat down nervously beside her and fidgeted as I looked at her warily.

"My name is Edward Matts, now tell me what's wrong with me," I said cutting right to the chase.

The girl smiled. "My name is Arina but you can just call me Eclipse," she said smirking. "I am a pureblooded vampire and I just turned you into my servant! That means you are now the property of the Justine family, and there's no escaping." She smiled at me devilishly.



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