She's My Pure-blooded Master?! Chapter 5- Black War

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Thank you for reading my story!!! Im very happy at the moment XD and I thank you again for reading my story please comment and give me some feedback! For all of you few that like this story thank you for reading it! :)


I followed Tom through the corridors, recognizing a tapestry I had passed beforehand. I was surprised that for some sort of castle the place had so much lighting. The walls and floor were both stone, but there were chandeliers hanging every few ways down each hall, exept for a few which lay bare and dark. The floor was covered by a carpet but every now and then when the carpet ended you could hear the clacking of the shoes on the stone.

Finally we arrived at the dining hall I had been at before, but the room was empty. Tom walked to the table and sat down beside the top of the table where Arina had been sitting before.

He turned and smiled at me warmly. "Sit, please. Miss Arina will join us soon," Tom said before he turned back to the table. I sat at least three chairs away from him, suspicious of the kindness.

"So why are you here?" I asked curious after around 5 minutes of silence.

"I'm just a lowly inventor and mechanic that Arina had the kindness of taking in when I was at my worst." He smiled softly. After a few more minutes of silence he sighed and looked to the table, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Hmmm, I see," I mumbled quietly not bothering to ask anymore questions.

We waited a bit longer and I just couldnt take the silence anymore. I stood up and turned away from the table. Tom didnt try stopping me when I left. I walked around now exploring the place but as I was doing this, I couldn't help but start thinking about my family. My sister's smile and laugh, how she had loved her blond hair which was the same as my mother's curly locks. My mothers clumsiness and weak attempts at humor. My father's strong hands that could always get the icing just right on a cake. I missed them so much and it hurt to think of them. My parents had been retailers and had traveled a lot. Why were two retailers and an elementary student killed? I asked myself this over and over and wondered what would have happened if I had not insisted on going to the date that day and stayed home with the family. I wanted to cry again but I held myself back, knowing I was alone and nobody would care.

I soon came upon a stairway leading up. Wanting to find a safe place to be alone I started heading up scaling the stairs quickly. I finally came upon a wooden trap door above me. I opened it up a crack and held in a small gasp seeing Arina perched on the window sill. She had a sad look about her, I almost thought she had found me out when she opened her mouth. Instead of speaking though she started singing, looking at the moon sadly. I listened to the words carefully wondering what Arina would possibly want to sing about with her beautiful voice.

Deranged and Disoriented.

The bodies lie strewn across this

Distasteful and Ugly land.

The screams of those alive echo. Echo.

Echoing throughout the world.

Help is no where.

Does anyone care?

They ask themselves

Why do they ignore our cries?

They dont know.

They want to be seen

They want to be heard.

They want someone to understand this pain they feel.

The pain that will never go away.

Pain that will be there even when they sleep.

Pulsing and hidden.

The sound of screams and

The sight of pain.

Always there the image of those

Bloody and long decayed bodies.

Memories of this Black War.

After she was finished I couldnt help but feel bad and, for some reason, a bit of sympathy. I stepped up from behind the trap door staring at her. She turned towards me looking genuinely surprised and confused as she stood up, she must not have noticed me watching. "Fine! I'll help you but I wont like it and I wont trust you," I finally said glaring at her, but feeling a bit triumphant. She looked dumbfounded, which was kind of a bonus for me.

I turned and left the room leaving Arina alone but I didnt care. I couldn't help but wonder if I had made the right decision in helping her. On the good side, I would get to find out who had killed my family and do the same to them.

After an hour longer of walking around, I entered the dining hall again finding Arina at the top of the table and Tom sitting beside her. Tom looked happy, as usual, and Arina looked her usual self with a blank face. They both turned and smiled at me, though, when I entered the room; it actually felt quite unnerving.

"Please sit," Tom said smiling at me kindly. I nervously sat down a few seats away from Tom and Arina, feeling thereatened from being so close to them who kept smiling at me. Tom looked like he was about to speak but then a man walked in through the double doors pushing in a cart of food. I couldn't help but gasp at his appearance. The man looked rather young, but I wasnt sure how old he actually was. He had bright blue hair that went to his shoulders, his pointed ears sticking out from it. His eyes were the same tinted blue as his hair and he wore a white chefs outfit. He looked crisp and clean except for the hat, there were spots of grease and stains on it.

But, above all, I noticed the blue see through looking wings that were folded behind him on his back. He looked at me and shrugged. "I'm a water fairy, for your information, and my name is James," he said indifferently, placing food that actually looked appetizing on the table.

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