Not so weak

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Sakura's POV

We were all given our missions as we set out in the hot summer heat to Shaun Village. In this village there are reports of missing females at night. They all suspect the it's a demon kidnapping them and hiding them.

"Aren't you excited it's our first mission all together!!" Luna said as she tied her hair back. Luna was very short but not shorter then me. She had long straight black hair. I nodded my head at her response. "Can't wait!" I forced a smile. "Hiu and Sasuke are you guys excited." she asked as she skipped towards them.

Hiu turned to us and smiled. "If I'm being completely honest I'm a little nervous." He said. He was kind cute. I felt my cheeks warm up as I saw him smiling. "What about you Sakura? Are you excited?" Hiu asked. "I-I mean I'm a girl who is going to place were they kidnap females..." I quietly said.

I wasn't scared of going. I was just worried that they would think I'm useless and leave me behind. "Don't worry Sasuke and I will protect you guys!" He said with a smile. I looked over as huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Why would I protect someone so weak. It's pointless. If you can't protect yourself then you have no right to call yourself a true ninja." Sasuke said. My heart dropped. He was the same boy fell in love with a year ago.

Luna and Hiu looked at him confusedly. They didn't know Sasuke's and I past. After all this time he still thought of me as a weakling that need other people's help. A unattended child that needs someone's support.

I'm sorry Sasuke but I'm not the same person anymore. I don't just stand back and watch you fight. I don't cry as easily anymore. Im a strong fighter who will fight till the very end.

We all gathered in a small hotel were we stayed in. The boys, Sasuke and Hiu stayed in one room while Luna and I stayed in the other. We all started to unpack and waited till the sunsetted.

Luna and I were down in the lobby waiting for the others to come down. "Sorry were late. " Hiu said with S-Sasuke behind him. "Here is the plan, Sakura you will patrol South, Luna East, Sasuke West and I'll patrol North part of the village." Hiu said as we walked towards the exit. We all nodded and went different ways. I went South on top of a building. Perfect! I quietly sat on the edge of the building.

Sasuke's POV

I was walking down the street on the West side until I heard a female voice. The voice was soft and was singing. Who could be out singing at this time? I quietly followed the voice. The voice got clear and clear until I was able to make out who it was.

"sakura!?" I whisper to myself. Why the hell was she singing during a mission is she stupid! While everyone else is working she wants to play pop star and singing while a kidnapper was out stealing young girls. This is exactly why I didn't want her on my team. She's just slowing us down!

My train of thought snapped by to reality when she stopped singing. "I know your there." I freeze. No way- D-Did she see me!? I debated for a while if I should come out or not. As I was just about to come out I heard a male chuckle.

"I see you've found me." The mysterious man came out from the shadow. What the hell!? He was tall and wore a white mask to cover his face. "How did you know if I may ask?" He said. Sakura got up from the edge from the building and looked synthetic creepy man.

"I've looked into ever girl you've token before coming here. I thought that maybe there was a pattern to your victims. As I further searched the all shared one common interest, Singing." she said. I was shocked as how she figured that out.

The man chuckled once again. "I'm impressed." He said in a low tone. "You see, my job is to collect as many girls with beautiful voice to then sacrifice them to the lord of destruction." He smiled. The man ran towards Sakura as he took out his star knife and threw them towards Sakura.

What is she doing? Get out of the way! The sharp knife plunged into her place skin. She is stupid! A smoke of cloud replaced were Sakura's boby once was. "A Clone jutsu!? " The man said as he panicked. I looked around to look for Sakura but I couldnt find her. "Up here!" She yelled. Sakura had punched him out off conscious.

Was this really the same Sakura I used to go to school with? The one that felt me letters after lunch? The one I... Yelled at for being weak..? No way... Sakura had tied the strange man with a tight rope. "I'll leave him to you Sasuke.. " She said before Jumping away.

"I guess she did see me." I smirked and came out of my hiding spot. I took the guy by the collar and went straight to the chief. "Sir, We have the man." I said as I throw his body towards them.

Now all we needed to do was find the missing kids. I signaled the other members towards a near building we were stay at. "Hey Sasuke! Did you catch him!?" Luna asked with Hiu walking behind him. "Sakura got him. He's in prison now. All we have to do is find the missing kids. " I looked around for Sakura but she wasn't here.

"I've already found them so don't worry." I heard her voice speak behind me. She was walking with many girls beside her. "How did you know we're they were?" Luna asked as she came up to her. "Well you see. The guy had a a faint smell of Rosé tress and the only place you can grow those are down in the South side were I was. After leaving the guy to Sasuke I headed down there and found these kids. " She smiled.

What was this feeling? I felt something down in my stomach. It was turning different ways as I saw Sakura smile. "Are you ok Sasuke?" Hiu asked. I nodded my head and left to the hotel we stayed at. What the hell is this feeling!?

We all went back to our rooms but I went to the roof to clear my mind. All I could think about how Sakura looked as she flew above to attack. Her long pink hair flowed as the fire in her eyes sparkled brightly. How the moon reflected on her face giving her a glow. Without realizing it a smile formed on my face.

"Sakura Haruno You're not so
weak as I thought."

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