Black hearts (Part 2)

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Sasuke's POV

We all stood there in shock as we watched Sakura leap forward towards Luna. I watched as the arrow pierced through her back. No... I thought to myself eyes widen.

The man that yet to say his name just chuckled. "Oppsie" He laughed out. The anger in me started to boil inside me as I tried my best to contain the tears in my eyes.

Sakura's body fell on the floor lifeless. "Chill out blackberry. She's not dead." He chuckled. I looked at him confusingly. "All I simple did was turn her heart black." I looked over at Sakura and the arrow that was pierced through her. The arrow soon started to glow and faded away.

"You see... My arrows aren't simply arrows. Each one of them are made with poison that turns the heart black making them vile. In other words... She's on my side now." He laughed out.

This guy was crazy dangerous. "She should be waking up in 3... 2... 1..." He counted down as I shifted my attention towards Sakura.

I watched as her small body started to move slowly standing back up on her feet. My heart lifted at the sight of her getting back up but her once pink hair slowly had altered into black. Her eyes had turned a slight shade of red. Her clothes had changed too.

She was originally in a sweatpants and white shirt but she had changed into a long dark red shirt with black details and black pants.

(like the one in the picture above just change it to black and red.)

"Sakura you know what to do." The man said. Sakura turned around to face us as she looked over at us. Without a second to spare she started to attack us. "Sakura, what the hell! Snap out of it!" I shouted out.

She was wearing no emotion of her face. "No use blackberry. She can't hear you. She's under my control." He said. I didn't want to fight her but I had no other choice. I need to keep the others safe.

As soon as Sakura was about to attack me I dodged it and she had already predicted it and hit me straight in the face. At that point I knew I had to use my Sharingan eye.

I closed my eyes activating my eye. It still pained me to use it but I had to keep the others safe. "Sakura snap out of it, I don't want to fight you." I said. It was no use she couldn't hear me. She started charging at me as I used my eye to predicted her move.

Left arm lunch with a right leg swing...
I blocked her attack but for some reason she managed to hit me into a tree. "I see she's pretty strong from the looks of it." He smiled. "It's settled... I'll take her to be my bride!" He laughed. My eyes widen as I watched the man take Sakura her hand. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" I yelled.

Sakura turned to him as the man formed a purple cloud around them and they started floating away. "SAKURA." I yelled out. No use by the time I had finished calling for her she was out of sight. Tears flowed down my checks. Sakura...

Luna POV

Sakura and just left with the man that had tried to take me away. I looked over at Hiu in shock then at Sasuke that was sitting in pain with tears in his eyes.

I ran over to Sasuke and kneeled know next to him. "Are you okay!?" I asked. He didn't respond and just covered his face with tears. He loved Sakura so much...

Later Hiu came running over to us asking us if we were alright. "How are going to get her back? We don't even know they dudes name." He said.

I hesitated at first before speaking up. "I-I know his name..." I said softly. Sasuke's head shot up and looked me in his eye. "What is it!" He asked in desperation in his eyes. I sighed " his name is Akio Hayashi. He had explained to me before you guys had gotten to me that he needed a bride to marry him at kingdom in the shadow kingdom called Kaze.

Everyone fell silent for a second as we all stood in disbelief. "We have to go and get her back." Sasuke said as he got up and started walking towards the direction they had just disappeared in. "Hold on we can't just go without thinking things over and plus you're in no condition to fight!" Hiu said. Sasuke just ignored us and kept walking.

I walked up to Sasuke and blocked his path. "Move." He said coldly. I shook my head, "No, I know you want to save Sakura but you need to rest. We don't even know where Kaze is located." I said. He sighed and looked down. I felt bad for him, I truly did.

"Please let's just go back and we'll get Sakura back." I said. He closed his eyes and collapsed. He must of passed out from the amount of energy he was using.

Hiu and I both carried Sasuke back into the campsite and put him to rest. "Luna, can we talk?" I heard Hiu ask behind me. It pained me to hear his voice but I wanted to hear what he had to say. We both made our way back outside the tent were we sat near the fire. "Listen, I had no idea you felt that way towards me. I'm truly sorry, Sakura and no idea as well that I liked her so if there's anyone you wanna blame it should be me... I realize now that she like Sasuke..." He said looking down at the ground.

After hearing that my heart soften. I started to understand a bit better. Sasuke and Hiu both like Sakura but Sakura has always and will forever like Sasuke. I felt terrible for shouting at her. It was important for us to retrieve her and bring her back to normal but if course I had no idea how on earth we were going to do that.

"Hey I used stand don't worry about it. Our top priority is to bring Sakura back." I said. "But how? We don't even know where Kaze is and how were going to bring back Sakura to her normal self." He said as his voiced cracked. "You guys are hopeless I swear..." I said rolling my eyes. "I know a lady name Akio Todo that deals with curses, position and remedies. I bet she can tell us something about how to find her and bring her back to normal." I explained. We both agreed that we would set out to find Kiyoshi and find away to free Sakura.

After a bit more of chatter Hiu and I finally went out ways and went to sleep. I felt a bit lonely not having Sakura with me anymore but I was determined to find her and apologize to her. "I'm sorry Sakura..."

A/N : Another chapter finished 😤 Some of the first part had gotten leaked on accident because of Wattpad and I don't know why but I thought it's only fair to post the second part the second day. 😭 Hope you enjoyed this part. See you guys in the next part 🍵👀

Once Again - Sakura X Sasukeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें