Operation : Wedding

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Fun fact the name of Kumashi in the story is a actually the name of my Kuma bear plushie <3

Sakura's POV

It was another night in this huge palace. As I was walking out to garden I felt myself getting light headed. As I held onto the side of the house I placed my other hand onto my head. I don't know why I've been getting these awful headaches from time to time but Akio says that I had a major accident to the head that caused me to lose all my memories. He even told me that he was the only person I could trust in this unpleasant world.

The more I think about it the more painful it gets. I took in a deep breath and shook off the pain. "Aww, is little miss princess feeling ill ~?" I heard a female voice faintly laugh behind me. I turned around to see a lady with long black hair. Long red dress that hugged her body. She wore black gloves that covered her hands all the way above her elbow. She was holding a fan up to her face only showing her dark red eyes.

"Who are you?" I uttered out. There was a long awkward silence. We just watched each other as a gush of wind blew past us. The wind swayed my hair around as she lowered her fan into her other hand. "Kumashi, and you're Sakura?" She said with a smirk. Something felt off. How did she know my name and why was she here?

"Why are you here? I'd advise you to leave before-" I was cut off by her evil laugh. "Before what!? Akio already knows I'm here, better yet! He personally invited me here~" she took a step forward. I took a step a foot back. This woman smelled like danger and I have no idea what's she's capable of. "I just have one thing to say to you~" she said. Before I knew it she was already face to face to me. She leaned forward slightly and whispered into my ear. "Akio belongs to me. Know your place." She said. I didn't reply back. What was I supposed to say? What did she mean by Akio belongs to her? How does she know him?

She stepped back as I looked down at the ground. "Aww, don't cry little Sakura it going to be okay." She mocked me. I felt myself burning in anger as I clutched my fists together. The nerve of this girl. "Face it, You're weak and dumb, not compared to me." My eye widen. I'm weak... and dumb... I feel like I've heard that phrase some where before. I can't remember. Kumashi continued to laugh. After hearing her say that I snapped.

"I'd watch what you say..." I replied. "What?" She looked at me in confusion. "How dare you-" "I'd watch what you say as Akio's future wife." I said standing up straight to face her. "Since I'm going to be his wife and his queen. If I were you I'd refrain myself from acting foolish unless you want to be punished." I smiled. The look on her face was priceless. I watched as she clenched her fits together, bitting her lip. "Aww, don't cry Kumashi~ It's not my fault that you failed to get Akio's attention~" I laughed.

"YOU IDIOT, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT." she yelled as she raised her hand to hit me. My eyes widen. Without another thought my body acted on its own. The magic power flowing in my body started running through my veins. I pointed to the sky then slowly pointed at Kumashi. In a few seconds Kumashi was hit with a shock wave. She froze for a split before falling onto her knees. "If it only took my shock wave to get you to kneel before me. Imagine what the rest of my powered will do to you..." I said with a blank expression.

She said nothing. I should hear she faintly cry as she looked down to the ground. "You have no idea who you're messing with..." she mumbled. She quickly looked up. She looked furious as her eyes glowed red. She picked up her fan that she had previously dropped and stormed off into the dark. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I looked up at the glass window and was right next to me above. I saw Akio standing with his arms crossed. He was looking out at the moon. He look down at me and smiled. I looked at him in confusion as I raised an brow. He opened the window door looked down at me. "W-Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

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