What we used to be

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(Also I'll be inactive from May 30th to June 30th because I'm going to Mexico 🤩🤩🥳🥳)

Lunas POV

We were about to reach the village. We just had a few more hours left. "Should we take a break?" I asked. I looked back at everyone and everyone looked tired. "Or we can sleep here tonight and get their in the morning..." I said. "Where's Sasuke?" Hiu asked. "Don't worry about him. He's close by." I said pulling out food and a bottled water.

Sakura and Akio kept trying to get close to each other and each time they did either me or Hui would throw bits of food at them. "Stay away from each other. Is that to hard to ask?" I said setting my things down. "She's my fianc-" he was cut off by a snap.

We all looked behind us and saw Sasuke break a small log. "Sasuke! We're you collecting wood this whole time?" Hui asked walking towards him. He nodded and sat them down before walking off again. "Well... I'll start the fire and everyone else go help Kiyoshi prepare the food. Expect Sakura... Help me with the fire..." I said picking up half the wood from what Sasuke had collected.

She followed as we brought it to the middle of the camp site. "Hey..." I shly said looking at Sakura. "Hello." She said almost emotionless. "Do you remember me by chance?" I asked. She looked at me and her eyes were empty. "I feel like I should but I can't seem to remember." She replied. When she spoke it wasn't the sweet soft voice she had. She voice sounded like a stone. Rough and Cold.

"Let's start over. Hi I'm Luna!" I said sticking out my hand. She started at me for a bit then looked at my hands. "Sakura..." she said before shaking my hand. "That coward over their is Hui." I said to the Hui who was jumping every time Kiyoshi made him put something in the hot oil. "The lady next to him is Kiyoshi. She's taken care of me since I was young." I said.

I skipped Akio because she obviously knew him. "The guy earlier who brought the wood is-" "Sasuke." She cut me off. My eyes widen as I looked at her shockingly. "What?" I asked. "Huh?" She looked at me in confusingly in return. "What do you say his name was!?" I asked.

"I don't remember..." she said looking back down at the pile of wood that was laid down in front of us. I sighed. After the guys helped Kiyoshi prep the food we placed the ingredients in a large pan. "What's it supposed to be?" Sakura asked scuttling closer to me. I noticed a huge change in her personality.

From the last time we saw her in town she almost wanted to kill us... but now she's here next to me. Almost like the real Sakura. "Kiyoshi?" I said looking up at her. "It could be that she's trying to remember. The spell won't allow her too. Now that the Blue Ice Moon is no longer a threat to us. We need to find the purified one to defeat Morí. When she's awaken, she can release Sakura from this enchantment." She exclaimed. "Oh and it's curry." She added on.

I looked around and Sasuke had disappeared again. "It wound be ready in a few hours. How about we all rest in our tents while we wait?" I said. Akio slept in her own tent. I shared mine with Sakura. Hui, Sasuke and Akio had to share a tent. "See ya in a few hours!" I exclaimed before laying down on my sleeping bag. Sakura crawled next to me and laid close to be.

I tried my hardest to keep my cool. She like a kid wanting to sleep with her mother. "Luna..." she whispered. "Hmm?" I hummed in response. My eyes were closed as I smelled her sweet scented hair that was underneath me. "We're we friends?" She asked. Guilt took over me think back to the time I lost my cool with her over a boy. "We were the best of friends." I said laughing. "But I screwed up." I said. "How?" She asked. "Friends are supposed to stay and listen to friends instead of jumping to conclusions. I didn't do that..." I said. I felt tears start to sting my eyes.

"Oh, it's okay..." she said letting out a yawn. "Friends fight something... but they make up... like couples..." she said. I smiled. I don't remember much after that as I fell into a deep sleep.

Sasukes POV

I was frustrated with myself. I could never keep my cool when I saw them together. As much as I tried it hurt. I walk I've to a near river to clear my mind out. I sat near the edge looking down at the carp fish swim around together in groups. It's been a few hours and I was still sitting looking at the water. The sun had gone down and I saw the slight reflection of the moon in the water.

"Sasuke." I hear a familiar voice call out to me. I looked and my eyes widen as I saw Sakura take a seat next to me. "That's your name right?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah..." I answered. I looked at her green eyes that I wanted to swim in. "Can I ask you something?" She asked. I nodded. "We're we friends?" She asked. I chuckled. "Or did we fight like Luna?" She asked. She had her arms wrapped around her legs. "I guess you could say that..." I said looking back down at the water in front of us. "I feel like... you're lying.." she said. "I don't feel like we were friends... but something else..." she said. I looked up at her shockingly. "What do you mean?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't remember..." she said. Her smile fading.

We both sat next to each other. I watched as her pale face illuminated with the moons glow in her skin. Her eyes turned lighter and softer. Her checks that have gotten rosé from the cool breeze. I looked down at her lips. Her soft pink lips that were slightly parted from each other. "Sakura..." I said looking at her. "Hmm?" She asked. "Is it alright if I kiss you...?" I bluntly asked. She looked a bit taken aback but nodded her head in agreement. I placed one of my hands behind her neck and the other around her waist bringing her closer to me. Our faces inches away from each other.

I brushed my lips against her soft lips. I wanted this moment to freeze in time. Our lips moved to one side then the other. I felt her arms going around my back as she brought herself closer to me. Very kiss I tried to be gentle as possible. I was afraid of hurting her.

I pulled away covering my mouth the back of my hand. "Did I do something wrong..." she asked. "No..." I said looking away. If things had continued the way they were going I would be able to contain myself. "You should go back. Luna might wonder were you are." I said.

"Are you coming too?" She asked. "I'll go back soon. I still need time to sort myself out..." I said. She smiled and got up and was about to leave before she called out my name. I looked back at her as she smiled. "It was nice to meet you." She said before disappearing through the trees. I sighed as I laid back into the grass.
My ears started to turn red.

Calms down Sasuke...

A/N : Feliz cumpleaños to meeeeeeee..... in two days :(
I love you guys so much. I can't express how much you guys meant to me. >3< 🤍

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