She's back

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A/N: Sorry I've been away awhile. I took a break but in all honesty I was starting to get a bit bored with this story so I started reading more books and now I'm back and better then ever to write this sorry! 😁

(I) - Imposter
(R) - real

Sasuke's POV

I was running along side Luna as we both kept running around the place in frustration. "WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE DOOR TO THE WEDDING?" Luna yelled out in frustration. we only had a few more minutes until they made their vows to each other and bond together by the blue ice moon.

My throat tightened and my hands started to sweat. Each second that went by was making me lose hope in how I was going to try to Sakura back. No. I wasn't going to try. I was going to bring her back. Back then when we were kids even though I pushed away so many times, she never gave up on me.

Many of the kids made fun of me because of my past. How my older brother killed my whole family and how he let me live because of pity. Even thought I hid my emotions so well she was the only one who didn't see me any different. Sure girls sworn over me but they didn't know anything about me. She always wore a smile and no one could take that from her.

I closed my eyes trying to calm my thoughts. I need to calm down. Like Luna said. If I rush in with only emotions I won't get anywhere. "Are you looking for garden?" We hear a familiar voice echo from behind the corner. Both of our heads shot up as we saw a figure appear. Lunas eyes glowed in happiness. While had eyes filled with disgust. "Old hag..." I muttered under my breath. "KIYOSHI~" The lady that helped find a way to bring back Sakura. "What are you doing here?" Luna asked she ran up Kiyoshi. She simply smiled and pulled out a piece of paper out of her skirt pocket.

She had a it to Luna and Luna brings that piece of paper closer to her face to inspect it. I look over her shoulder and felt my blood boil. "So you're telling me... you were invited as a guest... to this wedding... THIS WHILE FREAKING TIME." I bursted out. I was about to continue on my rant before the old hag walked me on the head with her cane. "Quiet down blackberry. I didn't even know until the day after you guys left." She said walking away while whistling.

I gritted my teeth and thought of a 100 legal ways of dealing with this old hag. "Sasuke calm down... Kiyoshi, can you help us? We don't know how to get to the wedding." Luna said as I just glared at her. "I know this palace like the back of my hand." She smirked. "I'll help in one condition." She smiled. Luna looked at her in confusion. "If he apologizes." She said turning her back to be proudly smiling. I looked at her dumb founded. "Oh sure, Sasuke apologize." Luna said turning to me. I looked at her shocked. "WHAT? IM NOT APOLOGIZING FOR JACK SH-" my sentence was cut off my another to my head. "Apologies now... or I will personally make sure that this wedding turns into your funeral..." she angrily raised her fist up ready to hit me again.

I looked over at Kiyoshi who was enjoying seeing me being scolded. This winch... "I'm........ sorry...." I muttered the last part quietly. "Sorry what was that?" She said cupping her hands to her eyes to hear me better. Grrr. "I'm... S....O....R....R....Y....... That's your an old ignorant hag." I spat out. Before I could get a reaction from her Luna hit me 5 times hard then she did last time. "Good enough." Kiyoshi said before turning around and started walking away. "This way." She waved her hands for us to follow.

We both followed behind her through the halls. The walls were so height they might have been reaching the heavens. Everything was neatly placed and the floors were so clean you could see your own reflection. "Just go through those doors down the hall. This is where we part." Kiyoshi said. "Thank you Kiyoshi~" Luna hugged her in response. "Go get her." She said looking at me. I smiled and bowed.... I still thought she was an old hag.

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