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"… I kind of hope you get hit by a bus."

Like everyone else I watched as Stephanie walked out the cafeteria and immediately went back to lunch.

"5,4,3…" I started grinning.

"Why you coun… " Dave immediately stopped his sentence watching the scene before him unfold.

"—2,1" The moment I finished, Andrew one of the boys at The Elite stood up, but was immediately pushed down by his buddy Josh and was glared at by Miranda Meyers, one of the girls at the table.

"Are you going to go after her?" Miranda asked. Katherine just sat there, feinging nonchalance as she scrolled through her phone. No one saw how her eye left twitched every now and then, but I certainly did. She was rattled, but she wouldn't let it show.

I grinned inwardly.

"She's my friend Miranda, our friend. Are you guys really going to throw away all those years of friendship? Well I'm not." Andrew stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Are you guys gonna follow him and betray The Elite, betray Katherine?" Miranda seemed to enjoy the position of Katherine's number one guard dog, Stephanie seemingly long forgotten.

"This was supposed to be a friendship. We run this whole damn school together. I'm not loyal to Katherine, I never said I was. I am however loyal to this friendship I have with you guys. So yes Mimi I'm going to go help our friend, while you stay here with this toxic person. Laters." Josh threw a piece started sign and run a hand throw his dark brown hair as he walked out. Simon one of buffer guys at The Elite table walked out with him.

The Elite consists of eight people.  Hayden, Kyle, Andrew, Josh and Sky. They usually came over to the house and make one hell of a noise. They were all assholes, each in their own category.

Then there was Katherine, Stephanie, Miranda, Justine, Marie and Lily. The headaches. If I had a gun, they'd all be dead. On sight.

I watched as Sky, stood up and looked at Katherine. "Josh is right, I have no idea why you so toxic, but it's clear to see that you think you the captain of this ship. You forgetting we all captains. Right Kathy." His voice was painfully calm yet, there was an underlying threat in his patronizing words. What sort of messed up friendship did The Elites have?

"There's only one steering wheel to this ship Sky Sky." This time it was Katherine who walked away with her entourage behind her.

It's so easy messing with The Elites. High School's going to end eventually, all this 'popularity' now won't determine their future. This is a small part of their lives that defines their futures. This dream of they living in now, spending their parents money, walking about superior and what not will eventually end. They'll have to wake someday and realize the pain they've caused others. They'll have to wake up some day and realize that the blood they have on their hands doesn't belong to them, but to others.

I hope that day comes sooner rather than later. I hope I can be there when it happens. Watching in satisfaction as the consequences of their actions dawns upon them.

"Nathalie come back." Luke snapped his fingers in front of me. "You've been looking at Katherine's spot for like five minutes."

I forced a smile."Sorry I was thinking."

"That's never really a good thing." Rico mumbled, his had back on the table. I hit him on the arm.

"Ow! It's true. You have all those thoughts in your head and when you say them out loud they sound so convincing. Like the joker." He scowled at me while he rubbed his arm. "You hit like a man, can you borrow me some of your testosterone I need some of your strength."

I showed my middle finger. "First you call me the Joker and now you want some testosterone. Imma hit you so hard one day, I swear." I said while laughing.

"Well your plan hasn't flopped yet, it's actually kinda working." Luke picked at his burger, removing the pickles.

"Suprisingly well actually." Dave added.

I shot him a questioning glance.

"I mean from where I'm sitting they would've ripped each other apart anyway. You didn't sabatage any friendship, because it was long gone. That's not a real friendship, they don't even have the solid foundation of a friendship anymore. It's just a hot mess of fuckery. Excuse my french." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm ruining, major difference. Besides all they need was a little push in the right direction of self-sabatage. Just watch." I continued drinking my juice box.

"When is the bell gonna ring, the cafeteria isn't the proper environment for me to rest." Rico groaned.

"What's the proper environment then?" Dave asked in amusement.

"Class Dave, class. Why are you always so slow? Especially English. Miss Brandy is always drunk after the second interval, so she sleeps during class." He told.

"Isn't that concerning?" Luke furrowed his eye brows.

"At first it was, but the Lady's last name is Brandy for christ sakes. She's just living up to her name. Who am I to say she can't get drunk?" Rico was on a role right now.

"A concerned student?" Dave answered incredulously.

Rico ignored him. "That's right no one. Miss Brandy can get drunk. I would never stop her from fulfilling her destiny."

"I give up. I don't think you'll ever say something intelligent. Everytime you open your mouth the hope I have for you gets smaller." Dave took a bite of his plum.

"Bro I always spit facts. You just always so jealous." Rico replied.

"Don't worry Rico, I still believe somewhere out there. If you like really search, with a map and everything. You'll find something that will make you say something intelligent." I pat his arm reassuringly. I laughed at his expression.

"Yeah yeah." He shrugged me off playfully.

"I never had hope." Luke laughed.

"Shut up and stop questioning my intelligence."

"Stop, your intelligence has been in question since day one." Dave raised his eyes rows. His face completely animated.

Rico pouted just as the bell rang.

"I don't have any energy right now. So I'm going to sleep through double English." He sprinted of to class.

I chuckled giving Dave and Luke fist pumps. "See you after school."

"We know, I drove this morning remember." Luke laughed and made his way to class with Dave.

I was walking to my library class when Katherine stood in front of me.

Her expression stoic, yet I could see the anger thundering behind her emerald orbs. "Well played."

"What?" I raised both my hands up in surrender.

"You did something. I know you. I knew the moment I saw that Rinco person with Stephanie that something was up. You playing with fire little sister and you don't really know what it's capable of doing." Deny, deny. That's all I had to do.

"I don't know what you talking about. Be gone demon." I looked down at her.

She laughed. It bounced of the halls of the empty hallway. "Clearly you don't what I'm capable of doing little sister." I laughed. Here she was standing on the tips of her toes to see me at eye level.

I shoved her against the locker. My first balled her shirt on my hand."No big sister. You don't know what I'm capable of doing. I don't know what you talking about, so the next time you want to threaten me I definitely won't be so nice." I let her go immediately.

"Williams get to class immediately." Mr Brian shouted.

"Yes sir."

As he made his way to class I showed Katherine the middle finger and winked.

Hate You, Hate You Not. (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now