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You tell me you love me
that you're there for me,
but when I want to talk to you
you tell me to stop socializing
and to go do my homework
if I say I'm finished with it
you say start studying
you say to go away.

When I want to say how I feel
you say I'm too sensitive
or I'm lying
or you say I'm crazy
you tell the doctor to give me pills
like the medicine will fix me
and when the doctor says no,
he is a bad doctor
just because he won't force
happy pills down my throat.

When ever I am sad
or lonely
and I just need a bit of comforting,
you never comfort me
when I cry you sigh and roll your eyes
or you yell at me for being ungrateful
or you don't do anything,
you do not hug me
tell me it'll be okay
even though I need you to
because you can't be bothered.

It's like you only care about me
when you feel like it.
You only want to take care of me
when it's convenient for you.
You only love me
when I am good enough
when you're supposed to love me
all the time.

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