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If only red wasn't so seductive
Maybe then I wouldn't be covered in ink
Maybe then I wouldn't have silver in my blood
coursing through my ragged veins
and corrupting my arteries
If it had been any other color
green or blue or pink or yellow
Perhaps I never would have loved ink
Maybe I would have stuck with the crayon box
Maybe I would have been content
with angular rainbows and misshapen rain clouds
and a waxy heart that settled in my chest
At least then I wouldn't be drowning in this
This vat of ink and red and silver
I am so tired of ink and red and silver
But they've coiled themselves around me
twisting up my spine, my lungs, my heart
I'm a captive to my own desire for it
possessed by the dripping red
by the scarlet slipping out of me
I am so sick of ink.
and yet.
I dip the silver back in the ink pot.

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