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i hear the murmured prayers from the next room
a decade of hail mary full of grace
drifting through the door like a sad lullaby
while my lola cries
clutching that rosary like a miracle will burst out of it
telling god how thankful she is for this pamilya
and i know that i can never tell
that this secret will stay buried
deep enough for its radiation to wear off
long enough that if it resurfaces
maybe it won't kill them
maybe it won't be so sickening
that maybe then this family will survive it
because i am so afraid this family won't survive it
that this will go nuclear and blow us apart
that i will blow us apart
with my dirty bomb of a secret
so this will stay buried
encased in concrete and earth
so deep even i can't unbury it
so deep that the only one who won't survive it
is me


for anyone who doesn't speak Tagalog
Lola - grandmother
Pamilya - family

I hope you're okay, but it's okay if you're not. God knows I'm not.
- sickly sweet

wilting rosesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz