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i wonder
does the world ever stop turning?
will it ever allow me a moment to prepare
for the next rotation on its axis?
will it ever give me a minute to spare?
sometimes it feels like space is moving too quickly
but i know it's not space
i'm the one moving too quickly
spinning in circles on this spinning planet
forever revolving around a temporary star
—truthfully i don't mind it
the world can go on
revolving itself into oblivion for all i care
but a pause would be nice
a moment to be still in space
a moment to breathe in the stardust
just a minute of the universe
before it starts its dizzying rotation again
is that really so much to ask?
for a moment of reprieve
from the nausea of this moving mass?
is it really true that the world will collapse?
that we will all perish
just because the earth takes a breather,
catches her breath?
why can't i catch my breath?
i would just like to hold the stars
but i suppose it is impossible anyway
an unstoppable force of gravity
forever revolving

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