✖️Not Worring About A Thing✖️

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✖️Lexi-Anne's view; ✖️

➰Night ➰

Carl looked upset all day, his mother looked different and I knew it would affect him. Lori was in the kitchen warming up chicken and she made instant potatoes. She made a fire outside, the oven wasn't working yet.

Rick was outside working on the car. It just needed a check-up, but Rick was doing more than that.
Currently me and Carl were in the Dining room, just staring at each other.

"I know it's different, but your mom will be back to her normal self again. Don't worry about it." I told him, putting my hand on the table for him to take.

"Nothing seems real though, none of this." He told me, taking my hand.

"Don't worry about it, everything is normal again." I told him, looking at his eye. "It's gonna take sometime for me to get use to your eye, so we both got something to get use too."

When diner was ready me and Carl were already in the dining room, so we stayed put.
Lori handed me a plate and it had half a piece of chicken, then I had a scoop of mashed potatoes.
It took a while to finish the food, I felt like it was waisting resources.

"Lexie, you can eat it all, and have more. The worlds back to normal, we got more than enough food." Rick told me from across the table.

Judy was in her chair, playing with her chicken.

"I know." I sighed, standing up and walking out.

I walked into my room and shut my door quickly. Sitting down on my bed, a tear rolls down my cheek. The urge to cut came back.

"Don't do it, Lexi." I kept mumbling, and started scratching my wrist. Soon blood came out, staining my wrist.

"Lexi, are you okay?" Rick knocked on the door, and I jumped putting my arm down.

I stood up and smiled, opening the door Rick looked worried.
"I heard you crying, everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything's great. Just needed some space." I lied, showing my best fake smile.

"Show me your wrist." Rick said, giving me a serious look.

"Why? Come on, please." I whined covering my wrists. How did he know?

"Would you rather have Lori checked it? Rick asked me, leaning on the doorframe.

"Yea." I said, looking down.

"I'll be right back."

Lori came in and smiled, closing the door. She had a first aid kit in her hand.

"Come here, my love." Lori smiled, sitting on my bed.

Lori took my wrist and looked at it. She got a bandaid and sticked it on, then got a wrap. She wrapped it around, and smiled the whole time.

"All good, if you ever want to talk, I'm here. And if you have the urge, come to me. Or talk about it with Carl." Lori told me, and brushed her hand over my hand.

✖️Lexi Anne's view; ✖️

It was 7'o clock, and Rick decided to put on a movie. It was called Annie, and apparently that was Lori's favorite movie. Carl sat down next to me and handed Rick the popcorn.


➰The Next Day➰

I woke up in Carl's arms, he was snoring. We didn't go to our rooms last night, so me and Carl ended up staying on the couch.
I looked around and saw it was still dark out.

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