Chapter 15;

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✖️Lexi's view; ✖️

The sound that woke me up was a scream. It was Carl's scream. It had to be early in the morning cause a little tint of light was outside. My body sprang out of the bed. Running down stairs, I tripped.

"Fuck," I squealed.

Downstairs Carl was sobbing and screaming.

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault moms dead!" Carl screamed, then collapsed on the floor.

"Baby," I whispered, sitting on the floor next to him. He sobbed into my chest. "Shh, count with me. 1,2,3,4,5,6..." I tried helping with his breathing.

"Yea, that's right. Count some more." I encouraged him.

"95,96,97,98,99,100." Carl mumbled, and his breathing was back to normal.

"Good, you got it all out. Good job, baby." I whispered into his ear.

We just sat for what seemed like forever.

"I think dads dead." Carl whispered to me.

"He's not. Your dad just needs rest. He hasn't slept in days. Just give it sometime. He'll wake up, promise. In the mean time, do you want to go on a run?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, then he turned his head towards mine. Carl had a small smile, and his eyes were crystal blue.
Then, he leans in and pecks my lips. So I return the kiss, and the moment freezes. Everything seems perfect, until a Big Bang is at the door.

"Walker." Carl whispered. "Go get your sword, I'll go behind back. And kill them from behind."

I got up quietly and got my sword. Outside, there are two stabs. Carl killed the walkers. With my strong muscles, I pulled the couch out of the way. Carl opened the front door. We both walked down the road and went to the first house.

It was a tall Green House. Outside there were dead body's. They must've killed themselves when all this started. Me and Carl walked over the body's. The front door had a blood stain on it. Dark red, with a tint of black.

"I'll just hit the door, and see if any of those things are in there." Carl told me, then banged on the door.

We waited a couple of minutes, nothing came.

"I'll open it." Carl whispered, and step towards the door.

"Carl, don't do that." A voice said behind us.

Our heads turned towards the voice. Michonne. It was her. She was alive!

"Michonne!" Carl squealed and ran into a hug with her.

"Nothing's in there, already checked it." She said to us.

"Ricks not waking up, I'm getting a little worried." I told Mich, and walked over to them.

"Let's go, I'll check up on him." She told us.

We all walked back to the house. Rick was on the front porch, rocking on the rocking chair.

"I guess I'm good luck." Mich said.

Carl ran up to his father and hugged him. Rick gave michonne a look. Welcoming her back to his group.


We were running low on food, so Michonne and Carl left to find food. They left me to make sure Rick was fine, it hurt that Carl didn't bring me with him. I was in the back of the house just sitting on the fire wood. Then out of no where there was a shot.

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