✖️ Being Saved ✖️

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✖️Lexi Anne's view; ✖️

➰10 months later➰

War was over, Maggie was pregnant, she was in labor now. Glenn is injured, Carl's eye is shot out, Ricks arm is cut off, My ankle is broken, Daryl's arms are bleeding, Tyler is in tears; her nails were pulled off. Michonne was in surgery, Tyreese's arm was being chopped off, Sasha's wound was getting worse and oozing pus.

Abraham's face had a brutal scar on it, Eugene was dead, Tara's knee is bleeding; and people were cleaning it up, we were saved.

The army finally came and saved us, the nurse informed me that half the country is being saved. Carl was on a stretcher outside, and he was being healed.

"This is going to hurt, but it's going to save you." The nurse informed me, poking a needle inside my shoulder. That was the cure; a green, purplish liquid.

"Can I see Carl?" I winced out in pain, holding my arm tight.

"Who?" The woman asked, confused.

"Him." I pointed to Carl on the stretcher.

"He needs treatment, and he might needs to be isolated." She informed me, and handed me a water bottle.

"Why isolated?" I asked, furious.

"He's injured and might be infected. We're just trying to save the world." She told me, and everything became a blur, "We need a doctor!" The nurse shouted before my sight went black.


When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Carl was on a bed next to me. His eye was covered with a blood-covered bandage.
A nurse walked in and gave me a slight smile.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, sitting up, and examined the room.

"According to the chart.." The nurse said, searching her paper work. "Two weeks."

"Did he wake up yet?" I asked her.

"Yes, plenty of times. He just needs some physical therapy for a couple of months. No worries." She informed me, taking a seat on the clean white blankets.

"I'm Patricia, and I'm the nurse this hour. I've seen you've been through hell and back. I got word that someone named Lizzie is going to a asylum once they open up, I'm not sure if you know her." Patricia told me, she was black with moon scrubs on.

"I was in her group once," I told her. "What's the city like?"

"The government is being grown again, and schooling should be up and running in at least four months. Look." She said opening the curtain, and the city was being cleaned, buildings were being rebuilt.

"I'm guessing you want to see your family. Most of them are healed, come on. I'll get you a wheel chair." Pat said, rushing out and returned with a wheel chair.

She helped me get on and we went down the hall. In rooms were people of all sorts. Some people with scars, some with wounds.

We entered a community room area and Rick was holding Judy in his arms.
My face brighten as they looked at me.

"What's the news on Carl Grimes?" Rick asked, standing up.

"He should wake in a couple of hours, he's on meds right now." Pat told Rick.

Rick looked at me and smiled. "We're finally saved, aren't ya glad?"

"Of course, so what happens next?" I asked, looking around.

"I wanted to ask you and Carl. Should we live on the Greene farm? Or should we live in a city apartment?" He asked me, as he handed Tyreese Judy.

"I think we should live at the Greene farm." I told him and smiled, he got the wheel chair and walked around the hall with me.

"Carl's mother is being brought back, she's in Washington. They have to do a lot to get her back, but we'll have a family again."

"That's great!"

"My friend Shane is being brought back also, he's in Florida being treated. An old group member, Pat, is your nurse. Dale, Amy, and Andrea are being brought back. Lizzie is getting help. Mika can't be brought back. We found your friend Mckenzie, she's alive and well. Nothing bad happened to her."

"A group member, Sophia is in surgery, there trying to start her brain back up. And Beth is getting a new brain, she should be back soon." Rick said with happiness.

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