Finding out the truth

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✖️Lexi-Anne's view; ✖️

When we got back to the prison Carl handed me a bag and gave me a certain look. "Love bugs, better not anyone else see you like this." Daryl said smirking, nudging Carls arm.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Carl smiled and headed to his cell. I headed towards mine and Hunters block. Hunter was on the bottom bunk, looking down at the ground. He sniffled, he must've been crying. I put everything down and sat next to him.

"Everything good?" I asked taking his hand looking at his eyes. They were red, like he has been crying.

"I just had a dream about my mom." He said leaning onto my shoulder.

"It's all over now. Come on let's cuddle, everything will be better. We'll sleep, then wake up, have breakfast and we can go on a romantic walk." I assured him, smiling. He nodded his head and laid down with me.


The next morning I woke up early. It was only 6;00. The clock in the hall said so. I went to the bag that Carl gave me. Inside was four bows with cute designs on them. Then a half full bottle of hair spray. A little note was in the bag also. 'I got you a little present, lovely' ~Carl <3

I giggled then got dressed and headed out to Cell block D. When I arrived Carl walked over to me. "I was about to look for you. How'd you sleep?" Carl asked me sweetly.

"It was okay, I was thinking too much" I answered.

"I bet it was about me." Carl smirked.

"You think right." I laughed.

"I got a little surprise for you, come on." Carl said, then took my hand when we got outside. The sun was shining perfectly. We walked over to the picnic table. On the table was fresh picked peach's and bread. "It's not much but I got the peach's fresh just for you." Carl smiled handing me a peach. The taste was so juicy when I took a bite.

Hunter Winters view;

When I woke up I was expecting to see Lexi next to me. But she wasn't. I got my jeans on and while I was there was a little paper on the floor. 'I got you a little present, lovely' ~Carl <3

Are you fucking serious? She's cheating? All this time it was a lie. Seriously she acted so sweet last night and acted like we were going for a walk today and eat breakfast together. Ugh, why did I ever believe it?

Right away I went to the courtyard, assuming Carl would be there. When I got there Carl AND Lexi was there. I jogged up to him and pushed him of the bench. Punched his face a couple time then yelled "Leave her alone! She isn't yours. She is mine. Next time I will kill you." I said, then spit on him, standing up looking at Lexi-Anne.

She looked at me angrily, then started crying running up to Carl. "Go get help! Now you piece of shit." Lexi said to me, then started yelling for help herself.

Carl Grimes' view;

My face ached. It was defiantly going to be a bruise. I heard a unfamiliar males voice yelling at me. Lexi-Anne ran up to me and made sure I was okay, but obviously wasn't. "Your dad's coming now, don't worry." Lex said to me in a soothing voice.

"What happened?" Dad asked me frantically. Lex still held my hand, which was comforting. "I don't know. Someone just started punching me." And that was the last thing before everything went black.


When I woke up there was talking in the cell block. Tyler was sitting on a stool next to the bed. Ugh, why does she have to be here? "He's awake!" Tyler announced taking my hand, which felt horrid.

"Carl, what happened?" Tyler asked, looking at me with concern. I pulled my hand away looking at her with disgust.

"Get out! No one invited you and by the way, were over!" I yelled, sitting up. Her eyes filled up with tears, then ran out.

"What's going on?" Daryl asked me.

"Some guy was punching me."

"That some guy was Hunter. He's Lexi-Anne's boyfriend. Well I'm guessing ex-boyfriend." Daryl explained to me.

"I need to see her!" I said getting of the bed.

"Carl, I don't think you want to." Daryl warned me.

"What could possibly be wrong?" I said raising my voice.

"She's not stable right now. Carl, please." Daryl said looking at me with concern. I pushed him out of the way.

"Lex! Lexi!" I yelled. Dad came out of a cell and came up to me with concern all over his face.

"Listen, Carl." Dad said touching my arm. Everyone just looked at us. "Lexi-Anne is alright. Hunter ended up hurting her also. She has a bruise on her chin and she's just in shock right now." Dad explained, then I rushed over to the cell where Lex was. She was holding her knee trembling. About to burst into tears. Her chin had a terrible bruise, that was hard to look at.

"Lex." I said rushing over to her.

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