49| Say Something

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"I don't have mates anymore Bahra," The sentence made my mouth dry and I felt like I cut my mouth with the sand of the Sahara Dessert. 

"That's not true Mason. They'll be back," She tries to reassure me but I don't believe her. 

"It's been fifteen days Bahra, I'm pretty sure by they've figured out they're better off without me at this point," I sigh. Unable to keep my depression to myself as she puts her hand on top of mine. 

"You'll get through this Mason," I'm getting really sick and tired of her attempts to make me feel stronger than I actually am at this point. 

"Just tell me what's wrong with Beau," I plead and she finally gives in. 

"Well, I'm just going to say it. I'm sorry but Beau is an Omega," She tells me and I was confused. 

"What's an Omega?" I ask her and she pulls up a chair beside my bed, pointing to my food. In order for her to talk I start pecking at the blueberries this time. 

"An Omega is, in definition, the weakest member of the pack. They're not strong like the others, they're smaller and often premature, and they are not often accepted by the pack. Most parents abort the baby at an early stage because there's a high chance of the baby not making through infancy." Bahra explains in the simplest medical terms and I appreciated it. 

"I'm sorry but Beau is just too tiny to be a normal pup at this stage in your pregnancy. Your options would be to terminate now or to go through with the pregnancy and let him die naturally. But Mason, not a single omega in this pack has made it past three months old and goddess, I've tried so hard to keep them but they pass away every time," Bahra explains and the sinking feeling grows deeper in the pit of my stomach. 

"It's all my fault," I blame myself for not being able to eat enough but she shakes her head. 

"No, this was something I noticed from the very beginning but I've thought I'd give him a chance. It's genetic and rare but there's nothing you could have done," She explains but I refuse to believe her. 

"You don't have to decide now but you'll have in a week it will be too late to safely terminate so I'll need you to make a decision quickly," Bahra asks as she stands up and fixes her coat. 

"I'm sorry Alpha Mason, I have other patients but I'll be back in two hours okay?" She checks on me and I nod. When she leaves I finally breathe, curling up with my little baby bump in my arms. I would cry but I ran out of tears days ago and now it just hurts to weep without tears. 

"I'm so sorry Beau, I couldn't take care of you. I failed you as your daddy before you were even born," I apologize to my little one and thought of everything I could have done to prevent this. 

I could have forced myself to eat more, started on medications for the morning sickness, forced Remy, Tristan, and Noah to stay.

Beau is the only family I have left and soon enough he'll leave me too. 

At this point, I hear the door open but refuse to look at who it is because at this point I just don't care. 

The familiar cinnamon scent fills the room but I continue to weep in my ball of mourning as I feel a set of heavy arms wrap around me. I must have really gone crazy now to imagine Noah's scent and pretending he's here getting me through this. 

"Baby I'm right here," Noah whispers in my ear and I turn around, crying into his chest instead. Without saying a word he holds me close and there was no trace of the anger and hatred I felt rolling off him just two weeks before.

"Why did you leave me?" I asked him, still so hurt and betrayed by what he did. Who's going to have my backs if it's not my own mates, my betas? 

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