“Oh, please. If anyone's a bad friend, it's obviously Sadie. She's the reason I started cutting in the first place,” I say under my breath.

“What?” Adam asks with wide eyes. “She- what? Seriously?”

I wince. “U-Uh, yeah... You know how she said she found out about my cutting only a few days after she met me? Yeah, well... I started cutting only a few days after she met me. See, my mom desperately wanted us to either get married or be best friends for life, but Sadie is... well, she's not quite the most encouraging person in the world. She likes to put you down and then laugh about it. She also likes to ruin people's lives for entertainment...”

“I hate her more and more every minute,” Adam growls.

“Trust me, everyone does.”

Adam sighs, leaning into me. “I'm so sorry you had to go through the majority of your school years with her.”

“It's alright. I mean, what can you do? There's nothing to be done.”

“Yeah, but...” He sighs again. “Just remember that you can come to me with anything, alright? Next time you feel like cutting, for any reason, whether it be Sadie or the voice thingy or some YouTube comment, please come find me. I'll make you feel better, okay?”

“You make me feel better just by existing,” I mutter.

“Aw, that's sweet,” he coos, squeezing my hand.

“MOVE OVER, LAUREN, I'M GONNA RIP OUT HER EYEBALLS AND CHOKE HER WITH THEM!” Kyra's voice drifts up the stairs, and Adam and I exchange a glance before jumping off the couch and running downstairs.

“I could use some help here!” Lauren shouts at us worriedly as she holds Kyra back from Sadie, who is smirking on the other side of the room.

“NO! LEMME AT HER, LAUREN!” Kyra screams, kicking and punching the air in an attempt to get to Sadie.

“I can go get those stress balls if you'd like, Kyra!” Sadie offers cheerfully. Lauren glares at her.

“What in the world happened?” Adam asks as he runs over to Kyra to help Lauren hold her back.

“Sadie gave this huge speech about how cute it would be if Ty and I dated and you and Kyra dated. It was extremely descriptive,” Lauren replies, wincing at the memory.

I sigh and walk over to Sadie. “Ty, you're back! Where were you!? Were you with Adam? I don't think you should be hanging out with him. He's a bad friend. Plus, you're rather stupid, so if he does something dumb, like jump off a bridge, you're likely to do it with him.”

I glare at her and drag her toward the stairs while Adam and Lauren try to calm Kyra. “Where are we going?” Sadie asks as I push her up the last step onto the ground floor.

“I'm going to the front door. You're going as far as you want past it,” I answer as I open the door and shove her through it. “Bye-bye!”

“Oh, you mean you want me to go get my stress balls?” she asks, not understanding the fact that I want her gone. “I think they're actually inside already.”

“No! Sadie, I want you to leave!”

She frowns, which is something she does very rarely. “You mean...” Tears gather in her eyes. Oh boy. “You mean, y-you don't want me here?”

“No. I don't. Please leave now.”

'Aw, Ty, why're you so mean? It's evil, throwing a sweet, bubbly girl like this out onto the streets in the middle of the night. No wonder everyone hates you.'

“Ty, I- I don't have anywhere else to go,” she says, tears smearing her mascara slightly. Oh no.

“W-What about your dad? He'll definitely have room for you.”

“Yeah, b-but he lives in a totally different state,” she cries. “He gave me the money for a plane ticket out here just so I could visit my best friend for a week!”

'You'd be heartless to close the door in her face now, Ty. She came all the way out here just to see you, her old high school buddy!'

But she-

'Aw, look, poor thing! Her makeup is even smearing. You know she hates that.'

Yeah, but-

'She looks so pitiful! Look at that, her bottom lip is quivering. She's trying not to sob.'

'All she wanted was a week with her old bestie...'

… Fine.

“O-Okay, you... you can... I guess you can stay for a week?”


Can I just say Ty is an idiot? :3

Can I also say that your comments are my life?

Oh, and thanks for 4k reads, by the way!

So yeah! Baii! I like exclamation points almost as much as I like the 'shift' key!

(edit: ugh the frickin formatting i cant fix it without using a lot of energy and uggghhhh this is just how i write i skip a line instead of using 'tab' because fanfiction.net is where i started writing fanfics and they also wanted you to skip a line so yeah im sorry dont hurt me baiiii)

I Hate Skylox (adopted from IMAmudkip)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя