Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Lauren's POV

I hug my knees tightly to my chest as I lean back against the wall. I honestly have no idea where I am; I just started running and didn't stop till I literally hit a wall. Now I'm just reliving the previous events in my mind.

The worst part is that I can't stop reliving them. Whether my eyes are closed – like they are now – or open, all I can see is Kyra, the girl who said she loved me, leaning down to kiss that girl.

That girl who isn't me.

The tears nearly drowned me a while ago, but I'm not crying any more. Of course, my face is still damp. It's sort of a reminder of the tears that are no longer there.

Which are reminders of the reason that I was crying.

Which is something I don't want to be thinking about.

Something I'm thinking about anyways.

I love her. We were only together for- what, a week? I've only known her for a week. And yet I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am in love with her. I would give anything for her. I would die for her.

But apparently that wasn't enough. She never loved me- after, all there is no past tense of love. If you 'loved' someone, you were never really in love with them.

I miss her.

It's been only two hours, and I already miss her.

“Lauren! Lauren, where are you!? Please, please come back! I'm so sorry, I didn't- I wasn't going to kiss her, I was- I was trying to explain something because I couldn't manage to get it through her thick head!” Kyra's voice rings through the streets, and somehow I love her even more for not caring that several uninvolved pedestrians are giving her strange looks. Then again, she's not doing this for me, is she? No. Of course not.

Perhaps that random brunette put her up to it. What was her name? Sadie?

As long as she loves Kyra and Kyra loves her back... As long as Kyra is happy in the end...

“Lauren, please! Please, please, please come back!” Kyra shouts, and it sounds like she's crying. “Please... Please, Lauren...”

Whether she loves me or not, I still love her – and I can't bear to hear her cry.

“K-Kyra?” I whisper after opening my eyes, standing up, and peeking around the street corner. Oh, look at that, it's actually night time. Maybe I've been out here for a bit longer than two hours.

“Lauren?” Kyra asks, frantically looking left and then right as she searches for me. Of course, I'm behind her – she's standing in the middle of the street – so she's not gonna find me like that.

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