Chapter 12

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Ty's POV

I'm woken by a loud thud.


I sleepily sit up in my bed. Oh, wait, no, this is Adam's bed. Oh. Right. Darn it. I hope he isn't freaking out...


I raise an eyebrow and lean over the side of the bed, where Adam is sprawled out on the floor. "Uh, Adam? You okay there?"

He kicks the bed. "NOOOO! GET AWAY! I DON'T WANT YOUR SCARY VIRUS! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!" He rolls over and punches the bedside table, and my hand shoots out to steady it before it falls over. "AGH, STOP! EAT YOUR OWN FLESH, NOT MINE!"

I yawn and slowly crawl out of the bed to sit by Adam on the floor. "Adam, buddy, wake up," I say tiredly, shaking him gently.

"VIRUS! NO! DR. SALLIYA, STOP! THOSE TWO ORGANISMS WON'T COALESCE WELL!" Woah. I've never heard words that big come out of Adam's mouth.

At least I'm awake now. I'm also half-deaf from all his yelling, but whatevs. "Adam! Dude, come on, you're dreaming!" I shout, shaking him more roughly.


Oh, wow. Thanks, Adam, that makes me feel really appreciated.

'They say dreams are visions of your hopes and goals in life.'

Oh, you again. Wait, are you saying that one of Adam's life goals is to watch me get eaten?



'Hurry, leave before he eats you!'

He's not gonna eat- "ADAM!" I yell as he bites my arm. HE BIT ME! HE FREAKING BIT ME! Oh, ouch! Even worse, he bit an area that's covered in cuts. He can't see them, since I'm wearing long sleeves, but they're still there, and they hurt. Cuts are not meant to be bitten.

I shove Adam away from me as Lauren and Kyra burst through the door. "What happened!?" Kyra asks with wide eyes.

"Adam bit me!" I exclaim, rubbing my arm softly. Don't wanna open any cuts.

"He what!?" Kyra yells.

"Hashtag Skylox," Lauren whispers in Kyra's ear, but I still hear it.

"Dude, no!" I say, groaning. "Not like that! I think he's dreaming about the movie we watched last night, where this virus caused people to eat others."

"Oh. Well, why don't you wake him up?"

"I can't! I've tried shaking him awake, I've tried yelling at him-"

"Have you tried kissing him awake?" Kyra asks. She and Lauren giggle, and I groan again.

"I seriously doubt that's going to work, Smart Ones."

They shrug. "You might as well try."

'Don't you dare. You'll ruin your friendship with him. He'll be disgusted by the mere thought of someone like you liking someone like him.'

"Yeah, no," I finally answer. Then I lean down and put my mouth next to Adam's ear. "WAAAAKE UUUPPP!" I scream.

He jolts upward, his reflexes causing him to punch me on the way. I rear back and hold my face where he punched it; right on the eye. Oh, Adam, you're such a charmer, punching people when they try to wake you up from nightmares.

'You gotta work on using less sarcasm.'

Shut up, I'll be sarcastic if I want to.

"Adam!" Kyra scolds him, rushing over to me. Lauren quickly follows her, and then they're both hovering over me and asking me to move my hand so they can take a look at my eye.

I Hate Skylox (adopted from IMAmudkip)Where stories live. Discover now