This person is not Xiao Xu, the Ghostface that he used to know.

Regardless of his thoughts, Wan Yu didn't let them show on his face and lightly said,"Stay away from her.’’

Wan Yu was worried that the person beside him would be involved with that woman so he decided to warn him outrightly.

In his previous life Xu Ximen was dead and has never been the so-called genius just like now.

You may say that the same kinds of people tended to recognize each other very quickly so, after that brief meeting, Wan Yu has already labeled her as a dangerous existence.

Therefore, this foolish guy beside him is better off not knowing her.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Liu Xun who heard him saying this widened his eyes in shock.

Is this the declaration of saying that she is off-limits?

Although the boy looked to be dissatisfied with her, it might be due to this that his interest got piqued and sooner or later, he would fall in love with her just like in the novel.

Liu Xun quietly gave himself a like with this explanation.

He confidently said,’’Don’t worry, I won’t touch what is yours!’’

Wan Yu looked at him with a puzzled face,’’Did you get what I am saying?’’

‘’Of course, I get the meanings loud and clear. I won’t go anywhere near her.’’

Hearing the answer that he wanted, Wan Yu quietly retracted his eyes back to look at the road.

The following days, everything went back to normal. Liu Xun was busying himself in the kitchen preparing the dinner for his Master when all of a sudden, a soft and delicate voice was heard from behind him.

‘’I didn’t know that you are good at cooking.’’

Liu Xun snapped his head to look at the uninvited guest. There, a little girl was leisurely sitting at the table which was placed in the middle of the kitchen.

It was none other than the female lead.

Liu Xun was surprised seeing this great aunt suddenly appeared before him again,’’What are you doing here?’’

Ximen propped her lower jaw with her linking hands as she lazily said,’’I am looking for you but end up getting distracted by your foods.’’

Hearing that she was looking for him, Liu Xun couldn’t help but feel apprehensive.


The little girl suddenly took a jade bottle from her sleeve then threw it to him.

Liu Xun instinctively caught the object and turned to look puzzlingly at her.

Ximen casually explained,’’I saw that you have scars all over your body so I went back to concoct medicine for you but because some ingredients are hard to find, this one can only make them look less unpleasant and nourish your skin. I will give you a good one after I gathered all the ingredients.’’

Hearing this, Liu Xun just gave a smile as he rested the medicine on top of the table,’’Thank you for your generosity but you don’t have to give me anything since I didn’t really do anything for you. In addition, I am fine with living with this looks so there is no need to trouble yourself with finding the ingredients.’’

Ximen thought that the other refused her because they were simply strangers and didn’t dare to use it so she simply took back her medicine.

She was about to go back when suddenly, the other asked,’’Are you hungry?’’

This Protagonist Is A Bit Sick!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें