Peak Human Conditioning: (Y/N) was born into the Assassin Order and has been rigorously and extensively trained from birth to have physical and mental conditioning that is so physically advanced to the point where he is evolved to practically superhuman limits. Unlike his fellow Assassins struggling physically at age 17, he seems to be capable of maintaining most of his physical prowess in his advanced age of 18.

Superior Strength: He was several times that of even the most strongest soldiers of the Knights, Dragons or Demons. His punches could easily kill a person and break metal plating on armor.

Superior Mobility: His reflexes, agility, and speed are also more potent, being able to easily counter and defeat hordes of opponents. He was able to kill many of them before they could even see him coming to them, as he moves with such great speed and agility.

Superior Stamina: He can even fight an entire army without showing any signs of fatigue.

Superior Durability: He also has a great deal of durability as he was able to land on his feet, after falling from several stories, without any sighs of struggle or lack of comfort. He was even capable surviving being stabbed deep in the stomach by a deadly poisoned blade.

Superior Metabolism: His metabolism is also superior, as he recovered from being stabbed in the stomach by a sharp blade dipped in deadly poison within several moments. This has also allowed him to retain his inhuman physical prowess in his advanced age as well.

Indomitable Willpower: He was able to wield the Apple of Eden without even showing small signs of corruption or madness. He was the only one being capable of wielding the Apple of Eden to its full effect, likely due to his part First Civilization DNA.

Master Martial Artist: (Y/N)'s combat capabilities and honed physical prowess made him one of the most lethal and adaptive Assassins in the Assassin Order's entire history. Even after his death, his capabilities were regarded as legendary as if he were like a God to them. He is capable to take on legions of templars, as he was able to kill so many templar knights, some of the best trained fighters, without any effort.

Master Swordsmanship: He is equally deadly with a blade, able to use a multitude of countering, blocking, slashing, and parrying techniques. His abilities with a sword are extremely dangerous and could allow him to combat legions of enemies by himself. His personal/private training from Hassan I Sabbah and years of experience has furthered his abilities.

Expert Acrobat: Like any Master Assassin, he is a remarkable free-runner, parkour master & mountaineering expert. These abilities combined with his seemingly superhuman strength & speed, made his acrobatic prowess far more profound than all the other Assassins, before and after him.

Assassinations: His primary objective is to use the Hidden Blade to assassinate his targets.

Expert Spy: He is well adept in blending in his surroundings as well as sneaking around heavily guarded places. He would usually blend in with monks whose robes match his own and appear as if he is deep in prayer alongside them. He is extremely skilled in espionage, stealth, infiltration, disguise, thievery, and eavesdropping.

Expert Marksmanship: He is also an incredible marksman, capable of using throwing knives or using long ranged weapons with peak proficiency Even after reaching an extremely old age, he as able to utilize the Hidden Gun with absolute accuracy.

Leadership: After the events of the Brune Civil War, he took officially command of the remnants of the Brotherhood and continued the powerful organization bent on creating peace through free will and destroying the Templar. Such leadership rendered his followers to declare him the Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood.

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