I felt used. John was just using me to understand what Clayton was talking about. With Clayton, I felt like the only girl in the world—which was exactly what I

was. At least on their side.

                John left me feeling like an object. Something he could just throw away when he was done. Surprisingly, I felt a little hurt.

                I shook my head, coming back to reality.

                I noticed how I was sitting, my body leaning more towards Clayton’s. I was reminded of back when I’d first woken up in this world. I would’ve done everything

I could to stay away from John.      

                I shifted back into the middle of the seat.

                “Don’t turn around-keep looking forward” A voice from behind us said. I resisted the urge to move and look. The voice sounded higher than excepted. Was it

a kid speaking? “Don’t ask questions. Don’t look around. Don’t talk. Just follow my orders. When I’m done talking, get up and follow me out. They’re not going to let

you use the Lightplane. They’re going to kill you. All of you. Let’s go”

                I don’t know what made me do it, but I stood up, walking towards where I heard the voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw John and Clayton exchange a

look before getting up and following me.

                I followed the body in front of me, the boys in toe. It definitely wasn’t a kid, the back of the body looking to be roughly a few years older than me.

                The person moved quickly, a much faster pace than I was used to. My body was still slightly sore from the long trek from yesterday, which made this all the

more harder. But I kept up. I wasn’t sure why, but I believed him when he said they were going to kill us.

                After all, it made sense. Why would they willingly give me back to the Girl’s Side?

                I hadn’t paid attention to where we went until sunlight hit my face.

                “Run!” He shouted.

                Without hesitation, I took off. I followed the boy, quickly running out of breath. I could hear alarms sounding behind us, which only increased my speed.

                Adrenaline pumped through my veins, keeping my going. Air was coming short and fast, yet we ran on.

                I could feel John and Clayton close behind me.

                The sound of a bomb going off came from behind us. I felt heat blow past me, causing me to let out a whimper.

                “Don’t stop!” the boy ahead of us shouted back. He needn’t worry though, I had no intentions of stopping any time soon.

                I picked up my pace, realizing that I wasn’t keeping up with everyone.

                Another bomb went off. I held back any noise, trying to keep up with everyone. I had a feeling if I fell back now, they wouldn’t stop for me.

                I felt something sear my arm before I heard the bomb. I cried out, feeling tears flow to my eyes. I didn’t want to look down—my arm felt like it was on fire.

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