Part 2: Abandon Me

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That memory, that time Weiss learned the secret to Ruby's confidence. It's a night that will follow her and guide her until the day she dies. Whilst she once viewed Ruby as a hyperactive annoyance, ever since that long night of stargazing on the roof, Weiss has developed a new respect for her team leader. Having just passed the statue, Weiss stood outside the training centre and promptly pressed her scroll on the security terminal to open up the large glass pane doors, gliding to split open and allow her entrance. Walking past the lockers, she advanced right down the middle path to the training ground. She walked out of from under the main seating area to find... nothing. No simulation loaded. No training. No Ruby. Weiss ran out into the main training ground so she would be able to see the infinite chairs that spectators can sit in. Still no Ruby. She checked the girls locker room, looked for any of the remote lockers, no Crescent Rose, no Ruby. Weiss sat in one of the many spectator chairs, thinking to herself, "she is probably getting breakfast, it is six in the morning after all." So Weiss waited, and the more she did, the more insulted she began to feel. The peak of this came after an hour of idling in the stalls, watching team after team pour in to begin their training. Hell, even JAUNE was here and Ruby couldn't even find the time to call Weiss. "Fine," Weiss grumbled to herself as she retrieved the scroll from her side, opened it and scrolled through her contacts to find Ruby. The dial tone lasted forever until the beep indicated the call was finally answered. "Ruby Rose, who do you think you are wasting my time like this do you even know how long I've been-"

"Weiss, Weiss, Weiss... calm down.." A mop of blond hair was on the screen as a drowsy Yang answered the call. Weiss' cheeks tinted a little in embarrassment. Despite that, her embarrassment was short lived as her rage returned with a vengeance, "Sorry Yang but do you have any idea where your sister is?" Yang looked to her right to check Ruby's bed, saw it empty and shrugged, wiping her eye "I thought she was with you..." Weiss sank into her chair and nodded, "She WAS, I don't know where she is." Yang's head turned again and called for Blake, "Blake, you have any idea where Rubes is?". Weiss listened to the Faunus' distant voice reply "No, isn't she with Weiss?". Yang then shrugged again "She left her scroll here so I don't know Weiss, honest." The camera did nothing to hide the growing worry on Yang's face, "how about I get up, get food, then Blake and I will go looking?" Weiss forged a smile on her face to mirror Yang's reassuring one, nodded and cut the call short. Where is she? she pondered and got up from her chair to leave the arena and make her way to the cafeteria. It was bad enough not having Ruby around but the Schnee name hung over her. With students from across the globe staying at Beacon, the stares had only gotten worse. The scolding ones from jealous bimbos, the fearing ones from misunderstood faunus and the worst was the guys looking at her like a piece of meat, or worse: a jackpot at a casino. It was degrading. Weiss always walked with Ruby for this very reason, she was a welcome distraction from the stares. Without any physical or verbal hassle, Weiss made it to the cafeteria, got her coffee and eggs and joined Blake and Yang at the table. "Hiya Ice Queen!" Yang beamed, more chipper than she was on the phone. Leaving the bed will do that to a person. Her cheery attitude did not make that nickname any better, still making her roll her eyes at it. Yang has no sign of stopping so all the "Ice Queen" can do is groan. Blake wasn't looking through a book. Weiss wouldn't have even noticed if she didn't want to talk to Yang right now, she was texting. Her eyes looked at Yang who also was made uneasy by the faunus having any form of social life. "Who... who you texting there Blake?" Yang smirked and leaned over her shoulder. Hearing those words sent a violent shade of red all over Blake's face. "N-no one!" Blake blurted, "I'm writing a short story..." Blake pouted before returning to her usual scowl. Weiss indulged in the food on her plate as her teammates battled opposite her for custody of Blake's so called "short story". Ruby wasn't here. It wasn't the same. It wasn't fair. Ruby doesn't get to leave... Looking up from her food, Yang and Blake has ceased their petty squabble and looked at Weiss, both with an equal amount of concern riddled on their face. "Weiss... Ruby didn't leave..." Yang reassured as embarrassment took claim of Weiss' face. Thinking out loud, something Weiss is frequently caught doing and it never ends well. "I-I know... it's just." Weiss pouts and toys with the remnants of scramble eggs on her plate with her fork. "Weiss," Blake's voice had a warmth to is as a hand is placed on hers. "we'll find her...". 

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